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Talk:The rising phase of the pandemic

32 bytes added, 11:50, 11 March 2022
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[[File:Logo Monografía.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Map: Fallecidos por Deaths from COVID-19 de más de 80 años en la fase ascendente de la pandemiaduring the rising phase of the pandemic. 2020. Spain.]][[File:Logo Monografía.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Map: Pirámide fallecidos Age-sex pyramid of the deceased from COVID-19; primeros casos y fase ascendente de la pandemiaduring the first cases and the rising phase of the pandemic. 2020. Spain.]]
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[[File:Logo Monografía.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Map: Fallecidos por Deaths from COVID-19 durante la fase ascendente de la pandemiaover 80 years of age during the rising phase of the pandemic. 2020. Spain. ]][[File:Logo Monografía.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Statistical graph: Evolución de fallecidos por Evolution in the number of deaths from COVID-19 durante la fase ascendente de la pandemiaduring the rising phase of the pandemic.. 2020. Spain.]]

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