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Talk:Mobility detected by mobile phones

37 bytes added, 10:01, 12 April 2022
no edit summary
The fall in the amount of trips and distances travelled had a clear impact on the two archipelagos (Balearic Islands/Illes Balears and Canary Islands / Canarias). With tourism at a strict standstill and limitations on both travel between the islands and to mainland Spain, the drop in mobility in the two archipelagos exceeded 90%. Other coastal provinces also registered significant falls, as did the main urban areas, led by Madrid, where the high proportion of office employment as well as the presence of a large administrative and service sector also contributed to the sharp fall in mobility during the most stringent week of restrictions.
{{ANETextoEpigrafe|epigrafe=Changes to mobility during the first wave of the pandemic}}
{{ANETextoEpigrafe|epigrafe=Other changes to mobility observed during the pandemic }}

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