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{{ANEEtiqueta|palabrasclave=pandemia, covid-19, intensidad de tráfico por carretera, IMD|descripcion= Análisis de la intensidad media diaria de tráfico en algunas estaciones de la red de carreteras mediante gráficos estadísticos durante la primera ola de la pandemia|url=valor}}{{ANEObra|Serie=Monografías del Atlas Nacional de España|Logo=[[Archivo:Logo_Monografía.jpg|left|50x50px|link=]]|Título=La pandemia COVID-19 en España|Subtítulo=Primera ola: de los primeros casos a finales de junio de 2020|Año=2021|Contenido=Nuevo contenido}}
{{ANEEtiqueta|palabrasclave=pandemic, covid-19, traffic Flow, ADTF|descripcion= Analysis of the average daily traffic intensity at selected road network stations using statistical graphs during the first wave of the pandemic.|url=valor}}{{ANEObra|Serie=Monographs from the National Atlas of Spain|Logo=[[File:Logo Monografía.jpg|left|50x50px|link=]]|Título=The COVID-19 pandemic in Spain|Subtítulo=First wave: from the first cases to the end of June 2020|Año=2021|Contenido=New content}}
{{ANENavegacionSubcapitulo (monografía COVID-19)|estructura temática=Estructura temática (monografía COVID-19)|seccion=[[Efectos sociales, económicos y ambientales|Efectos sociales, económicos y ambientales]]|capitulo=[[Movilidad|Movilidad]]|subcapitulo=Transporte por carretera}}
{{ANENavegacionSubcapitulo (monografía COVID-19)|seccion=[[Social, economic and environmental effects|Social, economic and environmental effects]]|capitulo=[[Mobility|Mobility]]|subcapitulo=Road transport}}
La red de carreteras permite articular el funcionamiento del sistema productivo al conectar personas y mercancías con orígenes y destinos. Más del 95% de los movimientos de mercancías se realizan por carretera, aunque los vehículos pesados representan menos del 10% de los desplazamientos. Predominan los flujos de personas –realizados mayoritariamente en transporte individual– por motivos laborales, estudio, ocio, etc. Estos movimientos, debido a la especialización territorial y a la extensión de la ciudad difusa, saturan a diario los accesos a las grandes ciudades. No resulta extraño, por lo tanto, que el tráfico, una de las variables de demanda más destacadas, muestre claramente los efectos de las restricciones a la movilidad, sobre todo de personas, derivadas de la pandemia COVID-19.
{{ANENavegacionHermanosPrimero|siguiente=[[Rail_transport|Rail transport]]}}
En los cuatro meses de referencia de 2020 la disminución del tránsito de mercancías fue menor que el de pasajeros. Este hecho tiene una fácil explicación por las medidas que aseguraron el abastecimiento a la población, como carriles prioritarios para camiones, acceso a los servicios necesarios o la exención temporal de los tiempos de conducción y descanso (Báguena, 2020). La carretera, una vez desaparecidas las restricciones, se convirtió en uno de los modos de transporte que más rápidamente ha recuperado los tráficos, sobre todo, de vehículos pesados (mercancías), tanto en el tráfico interno como en los tráficos fronterizos (Martos, 2020).
[[File:Spain_Key-map-to-the-gauging-stations_2020_map_18441_eng.jpg|right|thumb|300px|Map: Key map to the gauging stations. 2020. Spain. [//centrodedescargas.cnig.es/CentroDescargas/busquedaRedirigida.do?ruta=PUBLICACION_CNIG_DATOS_VARIOS/aneTematico/Spain_Key-map-to-the-gauging-stations_2020_map_18441_eng.pdf PDF]. [//centrodedescargas.cnig.es/CentroDescargas/busquedaRedirigida.do?ruta=PUBLICACION_CNIG_DATOS_VARIOS/aneTematico/Spain_Key-map-to-the-gauging-stations_2020_map_18441_eng.zip Data].]]The road network allows the production system to function by connecting people and goods with the different origins and destinations. Heavy-duty vehicles account for less than 10% of journeys made by road, despite the fact that over 95% of goods are transported by this mean of transport in Spain. Flows of people prevail (mainly using individual means of transport) whether for work, leisure or study purposes. These trips flood the accesses to major Spanish cities everyday due to the different levels of specialisation in each territory and to the extension of diffuse city models. It shall therefore not be a surprise that figures on traffic reveal very precisely the effects on people of the travel restrictions imposed to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.
[[Archivo:Espana_Localizacion-de-estaciones-de-aforo-de-IMD-de-carretera_2020_mapa_18441_spa.jpg|right|thumb|300px|Mapa: Localización de estaciones de aforo de IMD de carretera. 2020. España. [//centrodedescargas.cnig.es/CentroDescargas/busquedaRedirigida.do?ruta=PUBLICACION_CNIG_DATOS_VARIOS/aneTematico/Espana_Localizacion-de-estaciones-de-aforo-de-IMD-de-carretera_2020_mapa_18441_spa.pdf PDF]. [//centrodedescargas.cnig.es/CentroDescargas/busquedaRedirigida.do?ruta=PUBLICACION_CNIG_DATOS_VARIOS/aneTematico/Espana_Localizacion-de-estaciones-de-aforo-de-IMD-de-carretera_2020_mapa_18441_spa.zip Datos].]]El análisis de los flujos territoriales a través de la Intensidad Media Diaria (IMD) para 2019 y 2020, con todo tipo de vehículos, pone de manifiesto diferencias notables entre las estaciones de aforo y cómo los mayores descensos, generalizados en todas ellas, se produjeron en el periodo de hibernación de la economía no esencial, del 30 de marzo al 9 de abril, con la caída más acusada, superior al 80% del tráfico en ligeros y en torno al 70% en pesados, en esas semanas catorce y quince de 2020. La recuperación en los meses de mayo y junio se produjo, como cabía esperar, de forma mucho más rápida en los vehículos pesados.
The measures introduced to sure-up supplies to the population such as priority lanes for lorries, access to essential services or temporary exemptions from the usual driving and rest time regulations, meant that freight traffic was less affected than passenger traffic during the four months considered as the reference period for 2020 (Báguena, 2020). When restrictions were lifted, road traffic -particularly heavy-duty vehicles- recovered regular traffic figures faster than other means of transport, both in terms of domestic traffic and cross-border trips (Martos, 2020).
En 2019 los tráficos superiores a los 140.000 vehículos ligeros/día (vl/d) se produjeron en los accesos a las ciudades de Madrid –orbital exterior–, Málaga –circunvalación– y Valencia –autovía de acceso–, áreas de gran peso demográfico y económico. Los movimientos cayeron hasta tan sólo 20.000 vl/d en 2020 en el periodo más restrictivo. Otro conjunto de vías, la única radial de Cataluña, la A2 en Barcelona, la circunvalación a Alicante, la autovía urbana de A Coruña y la misma A2 a su paso por Zaragoza, que cuentan con tránsitos metropolitanos superiores a los 80.000 vl/d y hasta los 120.000 vl/d en 2019, ven rebajar este aforo hasta los 20.000 vl/d en las dos primeras y hasta los 10.000 vl/d en la tercera. Entre 25.000 vl/d y 55.000 vl/d aforados en 2019 durante los meses de referencia se encuentra el grupo más numeroso de estaciones: Asturias, autovía N-S, antigua Ruta de la Plata; Burgos, autovía radial del Norte; Murcia, autovía del Mediterráneo; Toledo, radial A5; junto con las de mayor tráfico de este grupo, Cantabria, autovía del Cantábrico; Valladolid, ronda exterior de circunvalación; y Sevilla, una de las nacionales más largas, de norte a sur de la Península. Todos los registros de estas estaciones de aforo caen de modo muy significativo hasta situarse en la mayor parte de ellas en cifras cercanas a 5.000 vl/d en las semanas más restrictivas del estado de alarma. Finalmente, con valores inferiores a los 25.000 vl/d en el tiempo estudiado de 2019, se encuentran las estaciones de Badajoz –radial A5– y La Rioja, autovía del Camino de Santiago, áreas con poca población y bajo peso del PIB en el conjunto del Estado; los descensos fueron igualmente importantes en el mismo periodo de 2020, quedándose en cifras cercanas a 5.000 vl/d en Badajoz y 2.000 vl/d en La Rioja.
{{ANEAutoria|Autores=Maurici Ruiz Pérez y Joana Maria Seguí Pons}}
{{ANETextoEpigrafe|epigrafe=Intensidad Media Diaria de Tráfico}}
La intensidad es uno de los parámetros fundamentales del tráfico, que se define como el número de vehículos que atraviesan una sección de carretera en una unidad determinada de tiempo.
{{ANEAutoria|Autores=Maurici Ruiz Pérez and Joana Maria Seguí Pons}}
En los siguientes gráficos se muestra la evolución de la media semanal de la intensidad diaria en algunas estaciones de aforo de la Dirección General de Carreteras entre los meses de marzo y junio de 2020 en comparación con el periodo equivalente del año anterior.
{{ANETextoEpigrafe|epigrafe=Average Daily Traffic Flow}}
Traffic flow is one of the main variables taken into account when assessing traffic. It is the total number of vehicles passing a road section in a given time.
The following paragraphs are devoted to comparing the average weekly traffic flow recorded at some of the gauging stations managed by the Directorate-General for Roads (Ministry of Transports, Mobility and Urban Agenda) from March to June. The information is displayed by vehicle category, and data for light-duty vehicles (ldv) and heavy-duty vehicles (hdv) are shown separately. The graphs show the variation in traffic flow for each type of vehicle in 2020 in relation to 2019.
Traffic flow is one of the main variables taken into account when assessing traffic. It is the total number of vehicles passing a road section in a given time.
The following paragraphs are devoted to comparing the average weekly traffic flow recorded at some of the gauging stations managed by the Directorate-General for Roads (Ministry of Transports, Mobility and Urban Agenda) from March to June. The information is displayed by vehicle category, and data for light-duty vehicles (ldv) and heavy-duty vehicles (hdv) are shown separately. The graphs show the variation in traffic flow for each type of vehicle in 2020 in relation to 2019.
The analysis on mobility by assessing the Average Daily Traffic Flow in 2019 and 2020 reveals sharp differences between gauging stations for all types of vehicles. It also shows that the most significant drops occurred during the ‘temporary non-essential economic hibernation’ from 30 March to 9 April (third and fourth weeks of lockdown which were weeks 14 and 15 of the year 2020). During this period, light-duty vehicles registered the sharpest drop (over 80%), whilst heavy-duty vehicles fell by around 70%. Also figures on heavy-duty vehicles recovered more quickly than those for light-duty vehicles in May and June 2020.
Over 140,000 light-duty vehicles/day (ldv/d) were recorded in 2019 on the motorways in the metropolitan areas of Madrid (gauging station located on the orbital motorway M-40), Málaga (orbital motorway), and València (gauging station located on the motorway accessing from the south), all of which are areas of significant demographic and economic importance. Traffic on these motorways fell as low as 20,000 ldv/d during the most restrictive period of lockdown in 2020. Other roads, such as the A-2 motorway connecting Madrid-Saragossa (Zaragoza)-Barcelona-Montpellier, the orbital motorway in Alicante and Corunna urban motorway (A Coruña), recorded metropolitan traffic flows of 80,000 ldv/d to 120,000 ldv/d in 2019, yet figures dropped in 2020 to 20,000 ldv/d or even 10,000 ldv/d in Saragossa (Zaragoza).
The largest statistical group comprises gauging stations that recorded traffic flows of  25,000 ldv/d to 55,000 ldv/d during the reference months in the year 2019, i.e. in Asturias, the gauging station located on the motorway that connects the metropolitan area of Central Asturias (Oviedo-Gijón-Avilés) to inland Spain; in Cantabria, the gauging station located on the motorway that runs along the northern coast in Spain; in Burgos, the gauging station on the motorway that links Madrid to the Basque Country (Euskadi/País Vasco) and Paris; in Valladolid, the gauging station on the orbital motorway; in Toledo, the station on the motorway that connects Madrid and Lisbon (Lisboa); in Seville (Sevilla), the gauging station on the road that runs from the north to the south of Spain parallel to the Portuguese border; and in Murcia, the gauging station located on the motorway that runs along the Spanish Mediterranean coast. All these stations registered a drop in traffic to around 5,000 ldv/d during the most restrictive weeks of the state of alarm. Lastly, two more gauging stations were to be found registering figures below 25,000 ldv/d during the 2019 reference period, i.e. in Badajoz, the gauging station on the motorway from Madrid to Lisbon (Lisboa); and in La Rioja, the gauging station located on the motorway connecting Pampeluna (Pamplona/Iruña), Logroño and Burgos from east to west, both of which located in sparsely populated areas accounting for a relatively low share of GDP. These stations registered equally significant falls in vehicle traffic flows in the 2020 reference period, with decreases to 5,000 ldv/d in Badajoz and 2,000 ldv/d in La Rioja.
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[[Archivo:Espana_Evolucion-de-la-IMD-de-trafico.-Madrid_2019-2020_graficoestadistico_18431_spa.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Gráfico estadístico: Evolución de la IMD de tráfico. Madrid. 2019-2020. España.]]
[[File:Spain_Evolution-in-the-average-daily-traffic-flow-(ADTF)-Madrid_2019-2020_statisticalgraph_18431_eng.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Statistical graph: Evolution in the average daily traffic flow (ADTF) Madrid. 2019-2020. Spain.]]
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[[Archivo:Espana_Evolucion-de-la-IMD-de-trafico.-Malaga_2019-2020_graficoestadistico_18432_spa.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Gráfico estadístico: Evolución de la IMD de tráfico. Málaga. 2019-2020. España.]]
[[File:Spain_Evolution-in-the-average-daily-traffic-flow-(ADTF).-Malaga_2019-2020_statisticalgraph_18432_eng.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Statistical graph: Evolution in the average daily traffic flow (ADTF). Málaga. 2019-2020. Spain.]]
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[[Archivo:Espana_Evolucion-de-la-IMD-de-trafico.-Valencia_2019-2020_graficoestadistico_18438_spa.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Gráfico estadístico: Evolución de la IMD de tráfico. Valencia. 2019-2020. España.]]
[[File:Spain_Evolution-in-the-average-daily-traffic-flow-(ADTF).-Valencia_2019-2020_statisticalgraph_18438_eng.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Statistical graph: Evolution in the average daily traffic flow (ADTF). Valencia. 2019-2020. Spain.]]
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[[Archivo:Espana_Evolucion-de-la-IMD-de-trafico.-Barcelona_2019-2020_graficoestadistico_18426_spa.jpg|left|thumb|none|300px|Gráfico estadístico: Evolución de la IMD de tráfico. Barcelona. 2019-2020. España.]]
[[File:Spain_Evolution-in-the-average-daily-traffic-flow-(ADTF).-Barcelona_2019-2020_statisticalgraph_18426_eng.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Statistical graph: Evolution in the average daily traffic flow (ADTF). Barcelona. 2019-2020. Spain.]]
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[[Archivo:Espana_Evolucion-de-la-IMD-de-trafico.-A-Coruna_2019-2020_graficoestadistico_18429_spa.jpg|left|thumb|none|300px|Gráfico estadístico: Evolución de la IMD de tráfico. A Coruña. 2019-2020. España.]]
[[File:Spain_Evolution-in-the-average-daily-traffic-flow-(ADTF).-Corunna_2019-2020_statisticalgraph_18429_eng.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Statistical graph: Evolution in the average daily traffic flow (ADTF). Corunna. 2019-2020. Spain.]]
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[[Archivo:Espana_Evolucion-de-la-IMD-de-trafico.-Alicante_2019-2020_graficoestadistico_18420_spa.jpg|left|thumb|none|300px|Gráfico estadístico: Evolución de la IMD de tráfico. Alicante. 2019-2020. España.]]
[[File:Spain_Evolution-in-the-average-daily-traffic-flow-(ADTF).-Alicante_2019-2020_statisticalgraph_18420_eng.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Statistical graph: Evolution in the average daily traffic flow (ADTF). Alicante. 2019-2020. Spain.]]
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[[Archivo:Espana_Evolucion-de-la-IMD-de-trafico.-Zaragoza_2019-2020_graficoestadistico_18440_spa.jpg|left|thumb|none|300px|Gráfico estadístico: Evolución de la IMD de tráfico. Zaragoza. 2019-2020. España.]]
[[File:Spain_Evolution-in-the-average-daily-traffic-flow-(ADTF).-Saragossa_2019-2020_statisticalgraph_18440_eng.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Statistical graph: Evolution in the average daily traffic flow (ADTF). Saragossa. 2019-2020. Spain.]]
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[[Archivo:Espana_Evolucion-de-la-IMD-de-trafico.-Sevilla_2019-2020_graficoestadistico_18436_spa.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Gráfico estadístico: Evolución de la IMD de tráfico. Sevilla. 2019-2020. España.]]
[[File:Spain_Evolution-in-the-average-daily-traffic-flow-(ADTF).-Seville_2019-2020_statisticalgraph_18436_eng.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Statistical graph: Evolution in the average daily traffic flow (ADTF). Seville. 2019-2020. Spain.]]  
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[[Archivo:Espana_Evolucion-de-la-IMD-de-trafico.-Valladolid_2019-2020_graficoestadistico_18439_spa.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Gráfico estadístico: Evolución de la IMD de tráfico. Valladolid. 2019-2020. España.]]
[[File:Spain_Evolution-in-the-average-daily-traffic-flow-(ADTF).-Valladolid_2019-2020_statisticalgraph_18439_eng.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Statistical graph: Evolution in the average daily traffic flow (ADTF). Valladolid. 2019-2020. Spain.]]
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[[Archivo:Espana_Evolucion-de-la-IMD-de-trafico.-Cantabria_2019-2020_graficoestadistico_18435_spa.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Gráfico estadístico: Evolución de la IMD de tráfico. Cantabria. 2019-2020. España.]]
[[File:Spain_Evolution-in-the-average-daily-traffic-flow-(ADTF).-Cantabria_2019-2020_statisticalgraph_18435_eng.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Statistical graph: Evolution in the average daily traffic flow (ADTF). Cantabria. 2019-2020. Spain.]]
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[[Archivo:Espana_Evolucion-de-la-IMD-de-trafico.-Burgos_2019-2020_graficoestadistico_18428_spa.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Gráfico estadístico: Evolución de la IMD de tráfico. Burgos. 2019-2020. España.]]
[[File:Spain_Evolution-in-the-average-daily-traffic-flow-(ADTF).-Burgos_2019-2020_statisticalgraph_18428_eng.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Statistical graph: Evolution in the average daily traffic flow (ADTF). Burgos. 2019-2020. Spain.]]
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[[Archivo:Espana_Evolucion-de-la-IMD-de-trafico.-Asturias_2019-2020_graficoestadistico_18434_spa.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Gráfico estadístico: Evolución de la IMD de tráfico. Asturias. 2019-2020. España.]]
[[File:Spain_Evolution-in-the-average-daily-traffic-flow-(ADTF).-Asturias_2019-2020_statisticalgraph_18434_eng.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Statistical graph: Evolution in the average daily traffic flow (ADTF). Asturias. 2019-2020. Spain.]]
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[[Archivo:Espana_Evolucion-de-la-IMD-de-trafico.-Murcia_2019-2020_graficoestadistico_18433_spa.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Gráfico estadístico: Evolución de la IMD de tráfico. Murcia. 2019-2020. España.]]
[[File:Spain_Evolution-in-the-average-daily-traffic-flow-(ADTF).-Murcia_2019-2020_statisticalgraph_18433_eng.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Statistical graph: Evolution in the average daily traffic flow (ADTF). Murcia. 2019-2020. Spain.]]
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[[Archivo:Espana_Evolucion-de-la-IMD-de-trafico.-Toledo_2019-2020_graficoestadistico_18437_spa.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Gráfico estadístico: Evolución de la IMD de tráfico. Toledo. 2019-2020. España.]]
[[File:Spain_Evolution-in-the-average-daily-traffic-flow-(ADTF)-Toledo_2019-2020_statisticalgraph_18437_eng.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Statistical graph: Evolution in the average daily traffic flow (ADTF) Toledo. 2019-2020. Spain.]]
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[[Archivo:Espana_Evolucion-de-la-IMD-de-trafico.-Badajoz_2019-2020_graficoestadistico_18427_spa.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Gráfico estadístico: Evolución de la IMD de tráfico. Badajoz. 2019-2020. España.]]
[[File:Spain_Evolution-in-the-average-daily-traffic-flow-(ADTF).-Badajoz_2019-2020_statisticalgraph_18427_eng.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Statistical graph: Evolution in the average daily traffic flow (ADTF). Badajoz. 2019-2020. Spain.]]
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[[Archivo:Espana_Evolucion-de-la-IMD-de-trafico.-La-Rioja_2019-2020_graficoestadistico_18430_spa.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Gráfico estadístico: Evolución de la IMD de tráfico. La Rioja. 2019-2020. España.]]
[[File:Spain_Evolution-in-the-average-daily-traffic-flow-(ADTF).-La-Rioja_2019-2020_statisticalgraph_18430_eng.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Statistical graph: Evolution in the average daily traffic flow (ADTF). La Rioja. 2019-2020. Spain.]]
{{ANEAutoria|Autores=Luis Santiago Gómez Díez-Madroñero}}
{{ANEAutoria|Autores=Luis Santiago Gómez Díez-Madroñero}}
*BÁGUENA RODRIGUEZ, R (2020): «El transporte y la movilidad, actividades esenciales en la pandemia», ''Movilidad y Transporte en tiempos de COVID 19''. Monográfico del Observatorio del Transporte y la Logística en España. Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana. Disponible en: https://observatoriotransporte.mitma.es/recursos_otle/01_el_transporte_y_la_movilidad_actividades_esenciales.pdf
*BÁGUENA RODRIGUEZ, R (2020): «El transporte y la movilidad, actividades esenciales en la pandemia», ''Movilidad y Transporte en tiempos de COVID 19''. Monográfico del Observatorio del Transporte y la Logística en España. Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana. Available in: https://observatoriotransporte.mitma.es/recursos_otle/01_el_transporte_y_la_movilidad_actividades_esenciales.pdf
*MARTOS RODRÍGUEZ, A (2020): «La evolución de la movilidad en el 2020», ''Movilidad y Transporte en tiempos de COVID 19''. Monográfico del Observatorio del Transporte y la Logística en España. Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana. Disponible en: https://observatoriotransporte.mitma.es/recursos_otle/03_la_evolucion_de_la_movilidad_en_el_2020.pdf.
*MARTOS RODRÍGUEZ, A (2020): «La evolución de la movilidad en el 2020», ''Movilidad y Transporte en tiempos de COVID 19''. Monográfico del Observatorio del Transporte y la Logística en España. Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana. Available in: https://observatoriotransporte.mitma.es/recursos_otle/03_la_evolucion_de_la_movilidad_en_el_2020.pdf.
{{ANENavegacionHermanosPrimero|siguiente=[[Transporte por ferrocarril (monografía COVID-19)|Transporte por ferrocarril]]}}
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The COVID-19 pandemic in Spain. First wave: from the first cases to the end of June 2020

Monographs from the National Atlas of Spain. New content

Thematic structure > Social, economic and environmental effects > Mobility > Road transport

Map: Key map to the gauging stations. 2020. Spain. PDF. Data.

The road network allows the production system to function by connecting people and goods with the different origins and destinations. Heavy-duty vehicles account for less than 10% of journeys made by road, despite the fact that over 95% of goods are transported by this mean of transport in Spain. Flows of people prevail (mainly using individual means of transport) whether for work, leisure or study purposes. These trips flood the accesses to major Spanish cities everyday due to the different levels of specialisation in each territory and to the extension of diffuse city models. It shall therefore not be a surprise that figures on traffic reveal very precisely the effects on people of the travel restrictions imposed to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

The measures introduced to sure-up supplies to the population such as priority lanes for lorries, access to essential services or temporary exemptions from the usual driving and rest time regulations, meant that freight traffic was less affected than passenger traffic during the four months considered as the reference period for 2020 (Báguena, 2020). When restrictions were lifted, road traffic -particularly heavy-duty vehicles- recovered regular traffic figures faster than other means of transport, both in terms of domestic traffic and cross-border trips (Martos, 2020).


Co-authorship of the text in Spanish: Maurici Ruiz Pérez and Joana Maria Seguí Pons. See the list of members engaged

Average Daily Traffic Flow

Traffic flow is one of the main variables taken into account when assessing traffic. It is the total number of vehicles passing a road section in a given time.

The following paragraphs are devoted to comparing the average weekly traffic flow recorded at some of the gauging stations managed by the Directorate-General for Roads (Ministry of Transports, Mobility and Urban Agenda) from March to June. The information is displayed by vehicle category, and data for light-duty vehicles (ldv) and heavy-duty vehicles (hdv) are shown separately. The graphs show the variation in traffic flow for each type of vehicle in 2020 in relation to 2019. Traffic flow is one of the main variables taken into account when assessing traffic. It is the total number of vehicles passing a road section in a given time. The following paragraphs are devoted to comparing the average weekly traffic flow recorded at some of the gauging stations managed by the Directorate-General for Roads (Ministry of Transports, Mobility and Urban Agenda) from March to June. The information is displayed by vehicle category, and data for light-duty vehicles (ldv) and heavy-duty vehicles (hdv) are shown separately. The graphs show the variation in traffic flow for each type of vehicle in 2020 in relation to 2019. The analysis on mobility by assessing the Average Daily Traffic Flow in 2019 and 2020 reveals sharp differences between gauging stations for all types of vehicles. It also shows that the most significant drops occurred during the ‘temporary non-essential economic hibernation’ from 30 March to 9 April (third and fourth weeks of lockdown which were weeks 14 and 15 of the year 2020). During this period, light-duty vehicles registered the sharpest drop (over 80%), whilst heavy-duty vehicles fell by around 70%. Also figures on heavy-duty vehicles recovered more quickly than those for light-duty vehicles in May and June 2020.

Over 140,000 light-duty vehicles/day (ldv/d) were recorded in 2019 on the motorways in the metropolitan areas of Madrid (gauging station located on the orbital motorway M-40), Málaga (orbital motorway), and València (gauging station located on the motorway accessing from the south), all of which are areas of significant demographic and economic importance. Traffic on these motorways fell as low as 20,000 ldv/d during the most restrictive period of lockdown in 2020. Other roads, such as the A-2 motorway connecting Madrid-Saragossa (Zaragoza)-Barcelona-Montpellier, the orbital motorway in Alicante and Corunna urban motorway (A Coruña), recorded metropolitan traffic flows of 80,000 ldv/d to 120,000 ldv/d in 2019, yet figures dropped in 2020 to 20,000 ldv/d or even 10,000 ldv/d in Saragossa (Zaragoza).

The largest statistical group comprises gauging stations that recorded traffic flows of 25,000 ldv/d to 55,000 ldv/d during the reference months in the year 2019, i.e. in Asturias, the gauging station located on the motorway that connects the metropolitan area of Central Asturias (Oviedo-Gijón-Avilés) to inland Spain; in Cantabria, the gauging station located on the motorway that runs along the northern coast in Spain; in Burgos, the gauging station on the motorway that links Madrid to the Basque Country (Euskadi/País Vasco) and Paris; in Valladolid, the gauging station on the orbital motorway; in Toledo, the station on the motorway that connects Madrid and Lisbon (Lisboa); in Seville (Sevilla), the gauging station on the road that runs from the north to the south of Spain parallel to the Portuguese border; and in Murcia, the gauging station located on the motorway that runs along the Spanish Mediterranean coast. All these stations registered a drop in traffic to around 5,000 ldv/d during the most restrictive weeks of the state of alarm. Lastly, two more gauging stations were to be found registering figures below 25,000 ldv/d during the 2019 reference period, i.e. in Badajoz, the gauging station on the motorway from Madrid to Lisbon (Lisboa); and in La Rioja, the gauging station located on the motorway connecting Pampeluna (Pamplona/Iruña), Logroño and Burgos from east to west, both of which located in sparsely populated areas accounting for a relatively low share of GDP. These stations registered equally significant falls in vehicle traffic flows in the 2020 reference period, with decreases to 5,000 ldv/d in Badajoz and 2,000 ldv/d in La Rioja.

    • Statistical graph: Evolution in the average daily traffic flow (ADTF) Madrid. 2019-2020. Spain.
    • Statistical graph: Evolution in the average daily traffic flow (ADTF). Málaga. 2019-2020. Spain.
    • Statistical graph: Evolution in the average daily traffic flow (ADTF). Valencia. 2019-2020. Spain.

    • Statistical graph: Evolution in the average daily traffic flow (ADTF). Barcelona. 2019-2020. Spain.
    • Statistical graph: Evolution in the average daily traffic flow (ADTF). Corunna. 2019-2020. Spain.
    • Statistical graph: Evolution in the average daily traffic flow (ADTF). Alicante. 2019-2020. Spain.
    • Statistical graph: Evolution in the average daily traffic flow (ADTF). Saragossa. 2019-2020. Spain.

    • Statistical graph: Evolution in the average daily traffic flow (ADTF). Seville. 2019-2020. Spain.
    • Statistical graph: Evolution in the average daily traffic flow (ADTF). Valladolid. 2019-2020. Spain.
    • Statistical graph: Evolution in the average daily traffic flow (ADTF). Cantabria. 2019-2020. Spain.
    • Statistical graph: Evolution in the average daily traffic flow (ADTF). Burgos. 2019-2020. Spain.
    • Statistical graph: Evolution in the average daily traffic flow (ADTF). Asturias. 2019-2020. Spain.
    • Statistical graph: Evolution in the average daily traffic flow (ADTF). Murcia. 2019-2020. Spain.
    • Statistical graph: Evolution in the average daily traffic flow (ADTF) Toledo. 2019-2020. Spain.

    • Statistical graph: Evolution in the average daily traffic flow (ADTF). Badajoz. 2019-2020. Spain.
    • Statistical graph: Evolution in the average daily traffic flow (ADTF). La Rioja. 2019-2020. Spain.


Co-authorship of the text in Spanish: Luis Santiago Gómez Díez-Madroñero. See the list of members engaged


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You can download the complete publication The COVID-19 pandemic in Spain. First wave: from the first cases to the end of June 2020 in Libros Digitales del ANE site.
