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{{ANEEtiqueta|palabrasclave=spandemia, covid19, recaudación tributaria del Estado, IVA, IRPF, impuesto de sociedades, presupuestos generales del Estado, presupuestos de las comunidades autónomas, presupuestos generales del Estado, gasto por persona, déficit público en Europa|descripcion=Análisis de Hacienda pública a través de mapas y gráficos estadísticos del Atlas Nacional de España|url=valor}}
PÁGINA PARA BORRAR ....ESTÁ TODO EN http://nationalatlas.ign.es/wane/Talk:Public_finance_(COVID-19_monograph)
{{ANEEtiqueta|palabrasclave=pandemic, covid19, Tax revenue for the Public Treasury, Value added tax, Personal Income Tax, Corporate Income Tax, Public expediture per capita, Public deficit in the members states of the European Union|descripcion=Analysis of Public Finance through statistical maps and graphs from the National Atlas of Spain|url=valor}}
{{ANEObra|Serie=Monographs from the National Atlas of Spain|Logo=[[File:Logo_Monografía.jpg|left|50x50px|link=]]|Título=The COVID-19 pandemic in Spain|Subtítulo=First wave: from the first cases to the end of June 2020|Año=2021|Contenido=New content}}
{{ANEObra|Serie=Monographs from the National Atlas of Spain|Logo=[[File:Logo_Monografía.jpg|left|50x50px|link=]]|Título=The COVID-19 pandemic in Spain|Subtítulo=First wave: from the first cases to the end of June 2020|Año=2021|Contenido=New content}}
{{ANENavegacionCapitulo (monografía COVID-19)|estructura=[[Estructura temática (monografía COVID-19)|Estructura temática]]|seccion=[[Social,_economic_and_environmental_effects|Social, economic and environmental effects]]|capitulo=Public Finance}}
{{ANENavegacionCapitulo (monografía COVID-19)|estructura=[[Estructura temática (monografía COVID-19)|Estructura temática]]|seccion=[[Social,_economic_and_environmental_effects|Social, economic and environmental effects]]|capitulo=Public Finance}}
{{ANENavegacionHermanos |anterior=[[Labour market|Labour market]] |siguiente=[[Education|Education]] }}
[[Archivo:Espana_Recaudacion-tributaria-del-Estado_2019-2020_mapa_18325_spa.jpg|right|thumb|300px|Mapa: Recaudación tributaria del Estado. 2019-2020. España. [//centrodedescargas.cnig.es/CentroDescargas/busquedaRedirigida.do?ruta=PUBLICACION_CNIG_DATOS_VARIOS/aneTematico/Espana_Recaudacion-tributaria-del-Estado_2019-2020_mapa_18325_spa.pdf PDF]. [//centrodedescargas.cnig.es/CentroDescargas/busquedaRedirigida.do?ruta=PUBLICACION_CNIG_DATOS_VARIOS/aneTematico/Espana_Recaudacion-tributaria-del-Estado_2019-2020_mapa_18325_spa.zip Datos].[//interactivo-atlasnacional.ign.es/index.php#c=indicator&i=r12810.v12810&i2=c12811.c11811&t=A03&t2=A02&view=map10 Versión interactiva].]]
[[File:Logo Monografía.jpg|right|thumb|300px|Map: Tax revenue for the Public Treasury. 2019-2020. Spain.]]
[[Archivo:Espana_Evolucion-de-la-recaudacion-tributaria-del-Estado_2010-2020_graficoestadistico_18334_spa.jpg|right|thumb|300px|Gráfico estadístico: Evolución de la recaudación tributaria del Estado. 2010-2020. España.]]La pandemia de COVID-19 ha puesto de relieve el significado imprescindible de la acción pública, en sus distintas escalas político-administrativas, como instrumento de intervención destinado a mitigar o erradicar los efectos perniciosos de los fenómenos, de origen social o natural, que puedan perturbar, con distinta intensidad y velocidad, el funcionamiento armonioso de las sociedades.
[[File:Logo Monografía.jpg|right|thumb|300px|Statistical graph: Evolution in tax revenue for the Public Treasury. 2010-2020. Spain.]]
The COVID-19 pandemic spotlighted the need for public action to lessen the noxious effects of social and natural events that may seriously disrupt the smooth running of societies. Public action is financed by tax revenue. Scrutinising public resources requires assessing the two basic composing elements, i.e. public revenue and public expenditure.
Toda acción pública se nutre, en última instancia, de los recursos presupuestarios procedentes de la recaudación de los tributos, tasas y precios públicos que pagan las personas físicas y las personas jurídicas. Por ello, antes de abordar la naturaleza y composición del gasto público, es preciso evaluar el impacto de la pandemia sobre dos cuestiones complementarias. Primera, la evolución temporal de la recaudación tributaria antes y durante la crisis sanitaria; segunda el desigual comportamiento territorial de dicha recaudación, muy relacionado con las diferencias en la estructura productiva y empresarial de las regiones españolas y con los niveles de renta de que disfrutan sus habitantes.
The impact of the pandemic on revenue may be assessed by taking two aspects into account. First, the evolution of tax collection before and during the health crisis. Second, the uneven geographical patterns of said tax collection as a result of the different productive and business structure in the various Spanish regions and thus the dissimilar income levels of citizens.
Con este objetivo, se analizan aquí cuatro gráficos que recogen la evolución de los ingresos tributarios del Estado para el período 2010-2020. Estos ingresos proceden de las tres principales figuras impositivas de que dispone la Administración central en España: el Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas (IRPF), el Impuesto sobre el Valor Añadido (IVA) y el Impuesto de Sociedades (IS). A ellos se suman los llamados impuestos especiales, que gravan el consumo de alcoholes, tabacos y combustibles y que contribuyen con una aportación más modesta, pero ligada a bienes de consumo muy extendido y que, en el caso de los combustibles, tiene un impacto muy directo en las pautas de movilidad y en la gestión de la transición energética que debe abordar nuestro país.
The graphs show the evolution in the tax revenue for the Public Treasury from 2010 to 2020. This revenue is bred by the three main taxes that are available to the National Administration, i.e. Value Added Tax (VAT), Personal Income Tax (PIT) and Corporate Income Tax (CIT). A more modest contribution comes from special taxes levied on alcohol, tobacco and fuel consumption.
Estos cuatro gráficos, con formato de barras apiladas para desglosar los componentes internos de cada impuesto, se acompañan de cuatro mapas con desagregación territorial de comunidad autónoma donde se representa el volumen absoluto recaudado en cada comunidad y la variación experimentada por la recaudación de cada impuesto entre 2019 y 2020. En primer lugar, se aborda el conjunto de la recaudación tributaria del Estado (IRPF, IVA, IS e impuestos especiales). El gráfico ''[[:Archivo:Espana_Evolucion-de-la-recaudacion-tributaria-del-Estado_2010-2020_graficoestadistico_18334_spa.jpg|Evolución de la recaudación tributaria del Estado]]'' muestra un sostenido aumento del volumen recaudado desde 2010 hasta 2019, prueba del paulatino proceso de superación de la crisis inmobiliario-financiera desatada en el año 2008. Ese aumento del volumen recaudado se acelera a partir de 2017, cuando se da por superada la doble recesión de 2008 y 2013.
These graphs are displayed together with four maps showing the amount of taxes collected in each region in 2020 for each of the different taxes, as well as the variation in the amount of taxes collected from 2019 to 2020.
The first topic to be assessed is the overall tax revenue for the Public Treasury, considering the Personal Income Tax, the Value Added Tax, the Corporate Income Tax and the special taxes on alcohol, tobacco and fuel. The graph on the [[:File:Evolution in tax revenue for the Public Treasury|''Evolution in tax revenue for the Public Treasury'']] shows a steady increase in tax collection from 2010 to 2019 as a result of the gradual recovery in Spain from the double economic crisis back in 2008-2013. This increase in revenue speeded up from 2017 onwards when Spain finally broke free of the economic hangover left by the 2008-2013 recessions.
These graphs are displayed together with four maps showing the amount of taxes collected in each region in 2020 for each of the different taxes, as well as the variation in the amount of taxes collected from 2019 to 2020.
The first topic to be assessed is the overall tax revenue for the Public Treasury, considering the Personal Income Tax, the Value Added Tax, the Corporate Income Tax and the special taxes on alcohol, tobacco and fuel. The graph on the Evolution in tax revenue for the Public Treasury shows a steady increase in tax collection from 2010 to 2019 as a result of the gradual recovery in Spain from the double economic crisis back in 2008-2013. This increase in revenue speeded up from 2017 onwards when Spain finally broke free of the economic hangover left by the 2008-2013 recessions.
In 2020, however, revenue took a remarkable hit due to the impact of the pandemic on Value Added Tax, which faithfully and immediately reveals the behaviour of the economic cycle. Personal Income Tax and Corporate Income Tax do not seem to be affected by COVID-19 according to the graphs included in this publication as the tax revenue from 2020 is levied on the income and profits from 2019, when the COVID-19 crisis had not yet began. Nor is there a heavy impact on special taxes, which depend on deeply rooted consumption habits, i.e. alcohol and tobacco. There is, however, a remarkable drop in revenue from fuel consumption due to lockdown and mobility restrictions in spring 2020.
Sin embargo, el monto total se reduce en el año 2020 de manera apreciable como consecuencia del efecto de la pandemia sobre un tributo que refleja de manera fiel e inmediata el comportamiento del ciclo económico: el IVA. Los datos de IRPF e IS no se ven afectados por la COVID-19 en esta serie estadística porque la recaudación de 2020 corresponde a rentas y beneficios generados durante el ejercicio de 2019, anteriores al brote epidémico. Tampoco se aprecia un impacto sustancial sobre los impuestos especiales, dependientes de hábitos de consumo muy arraigados (alcohol, tabaco) y donde solamente cabe apreciar las consecuencias de la reducción del consumo de combustible que aparejó el confinamiento estricto de la primavera de 2020 y las restricciones a la movilidad.
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[[Archivo:Espana_Recaudacion-del-Impuesto-sobre-el-Valor-Anadido_2019-2020_mapa_18326_spa.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Mapa: Recaudación del Impuesto sobre el Valor Añadido. 2019-2020. España. [//centrodedescargas.cnig.es/CentroDescargas/busquedaRedirigida.do?ruta=PUBLICACION_CNIG_DATOS_VARIOS/aneTematico/Espana_Recaudacion-del-Impuesto-sobre-el-Valor-Anadido_2019-2020_mapa_18326_spa.pdf PDF].[//centrodedescargas.cnig.es/CentroDescargas/busquedaRedirigida.do?ruta=PUBLICACION_CNIG_DATOS_VARIOS/aneTematico/Espana_Recaudacion-del-Impuesto-sobre-el-Valor-Anadido_2019-2020_mapa_18326_spa.zip Datos].[//interactivo-atlasnacional.ign.es/index.php#c=indicator&i=r12813.v12813&i2=c12814.c12814&t=A03&t2=A02&view=map10 Versión interactiva].]]
[[File:Logo Monografía.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Map: Revenue from Value Added Tax (VAT). 2019-2020. Spain.]]
[[Archivo:Espana_Recaudacion-del-IRPF_2019-2020_mapa_18327_spa.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Mapa: Recaudación del IRPF. 2019-2020. España. [//centrodedescargas.cnig.es/CentroDescargas/busquedaRedirigida.do?ruta=PUBLICACION_CNIG_DATOS_VARIOS/aneTematico/Espana_Recaudacion-del-IRPF_2019-2020_mapa_18327_spa.pdf PDF]. [//centrodedescargas.cnig.es/CentroDescargas/busquedaRedirigida.do?ruta=PUBLICACION_CNIG_DATOS_VARIOS/aneTematico/Espana_Recaudacion-del-IRPF_2019-2020_mapa_18327_spa.zip Datos].[//interactivo-atlasnacional.ign.es/index.php#c=indicator&i=r12817.r12817&i2=c12816.c12816&t=A02&t2=A02&view=map10 Versión interactiva].]]
[[File:Logo Monografía.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Map: Revenue from Personal Income Tax (IRPF). 2019-2020. Spain.]]
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[[Archivo:Espana_Evolucion-de-los-ingresos-tributarios-por-IVA_2010-2020_graficoestadistico_18335_spa.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Gráfico estadístico: Evolución de los ingresos tributarios por IVA. 2010-2020. España.]]
[[File:Logo Monografía.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Statistical graph: Evolution in revenue from Value Added Tax (VAT). 2010-2020. Spain.]]
[[Archivo:Espana_Evolucion-de-los-ingresos-tributarios-por-IRPF_2010-2020_graficoestadistico_18336_spa.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Gráfico estadístico: Evolución de los ingresos tributarios por IRPF. 2010-2020. España.]]
[[File:Logo Monografía.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Statistical graph: Evolution in revenue from Personal Income Tax (IRPF). 2010-2020. Spain.]]
La vertiente territorial, representada en el mapa ''[[:Archivo:Espana_Recaudacion-tributaria-del-Estado_2019-2020_mapa_18325_spa.jpg|Recaudación tributaria del Estado]]'', muestra una distribución de la recaudación agregada que se corresponde, en líneas generales, con el reparto de la población y la actividad económica en España. Comunidad de Madrid y Cataluña se colocan muy por delante de las demás comunidades autónomas, gracias en parte a su condición de sede de muchas compañías de gran tamaño. Un segundo escalón estaría integrado por Andalucía, la Comunitat Valenciana y Galicia. Sin embargo, el interés principal de este mapa radica en su componente dinámica. Entre 2019 y 2020, regiones con una sólida base agroalimentaria (Navarra, Cantabria, Extremadura, Murcia) logran aumentar sus cifras absolutas de recaudación, al contrario de la tendencia nacional de regresión, que se hace muy patente en las regiones turísticas (Illes Balears, Canarias) y en otras con notable base industrial (País Vasco, Cataluña) afectadas por la distorsión de las cadenas globales de valor que se originó en China para extenderse después al resto de Asia y a Europa.
In terms of geographical patterns, the map on the [[:File:Tax revenue for the Public Treasury|''Tax revenue for the Public Treasury'']] shows an aggregate distribution of revenue that is consistent in general with the distribution of the population and the economic activity in Spain. The Region of Madrid (Comunidad de Madrid) and Catalonia (Catalunya/Cataluña) are well ahead the other regions thanks partly to being home to the headquarters of manifold large companies. A second tier includes Andalusia (Andalucía), the Region of Valencia (Comunitat Valenciana) and Galicia. The most interesting aspect of this map, however, is the dynamics it reveals. From 2019 to 2020, the regions with a solid agri-food base, such as Navarre (Navarra), Cantabria, Extremadura and Murcia, were able to increase figures on the total revenue despite the general downward trend seen elsewhere. By contrast, tourist regions like the Balearic Islands (Illes Balears) and the Canary Islands (Canarias) registered a very severe negative impact on tax collection. This regression may also be observed in other regions with a significant industrial base, such as the Basque Country (Euskadi/País Vasco) and Catalonia (Catalunya/Cataluña), which were affected by the distortion in global value chains that arose in China and later spread to the rest of Asia, the Americas and Europe.
A continuación, se desglosan estas trayectorias agregadas para cada uno de los tres tributos principales. En cuanto al Impuesto sobre el Valor Añadido, se reitera la tendencia general de aumento desde 2010, más rápido desde 2016, y una reducción apreciable en el año 2020. La distribución regional del importe total recaudado refleja con claridad el efecto sede de Madrid y Cataluña (más bien, Barcelona) –que arrojan variaciones recaudatorias negativas–, así como el País Vasco. De nuevo, los comportamientos positivos corresponden a la Región de Murcia, Comunidad Foral de Navarra y Cantabria, resaltando la trascendencia de las actividades de abastecimiento de bienes esenciales en el funcionamiento de la economía en coyunturas críticas. Junto al País Vasco, son las únicas que crecen en un contexto nacional regresivo que registra una caída media del 11,5%. En el extremo opuesto se ubican las comunidades insulares, con caídas superiores al 20% como consecuencia del colapso del turismo durante el confinamiento y de las posteriores limitaciones a los desplazamientos.
The other maps break down these aggregate figures into each of the three main tax revenues. There is a general upward trend in revenue from Value Added Tax after 2010, which becomes more evident after 2016 and then takes a significant downturn in 2020. The regional distribution of the total revenue collected clearly shows the ‘headquarters effect’ in the Region of Madrid (Comunidad de Madrid) and Catalonia (Catalunya/Cataluña) [especially Barcelona], whose many large corporations bred negative revenue variations and, therefore, paid less tax, as well as the Basque Country (Euskadi/País Vasco). Once again, the regions of Murcia, Navarre (Navarra) and Cantabria followed positive trends, highlighting their crucial economic role as suppliers of essential agri-food goods in times of crisis. Together with the Basque Country (Euskadi/País Vasco), these three regions are the only ones to show increased revenues in a regressive national context that registered an average drop of 11.5%. At the opposite end of the scale are the two island regions, i.e. the Balearic Islands (Illes Balears) and the Canary Islands (Canarias), with falls of over 20% due to tourism vanishing from sight during strict lockdown and the subsequent travel restrictions.
Los datos del Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas no reflejan el efecto de la pandemia. Es más, las cifras del año 2020 muestran un crecimiento interanual del 1,2%, que supera el 6% en Cantabria y que sólo muestra una evolución negativa en Asturias, Cataluña, País Vasco, Illes Balears y Canarias. El grueso de este tributo procede de las rentas del trabajo y las actividades profesionales, de modo que el volumen recaudado en cada comunidad autónoma no depende tan solo de sus efectos demográficos, sino también del nivel relativo de ingresos de sus habitantes. Comunidad de Madrid y Cataluña vuelven a destacar sobre las demás comunidades, pero el matiz apuntado explica que las diferencias interregionales sean menos acusadas que en los demás tributos, dependientes parcial o totalmente de la aportación de las empresas. De ahí que la participación relativa de Illes Balears, Canarias, País Vasco, Cantabria o Galicia en la recaudación nacional del IRPF sea mayor que la que muestran en el IVA o el IS.
As data on Personal Income Tax from 2020 show earnings from 2019, they do not reveal the impact of the pandemic on economy and public revenue. Moreover, figures show an overall year-on-year growth of 1.2%, with Cantabria registering an increase over 6%, and only Asturias, Catalonia (Catalunya/Cataluña), the Basque Country (Euskadi/País Vasco), the Balearic Islands (Illes Balears) and the Canary Islands (Canarias) showing a negative evolution. Given that the bulk of this tax is levied on income from work and professional activities, the amount collected in each region depends on both its total population and the income level of citizens. Therefore, the Region of Madrid (Comunidad de Madrid) and Catalonia (Catalunya/Cataluña) stand out for breeding more revenue from Personal Income Tax than the rest of regions. The significance of population in the revenue bred by this tax explains why inter-regional differences are less acute than in the other taxes, which are more affected by the evolution of activity and company profits than by the amount of contributors. Hence, the Balearic Islands (Illes Balears), the Canary Islands (Canarias), the Basque Country (Euskadi/País Vasco), Cantabria and Galicia account for a larger share of the national Personal Income Tax revenue than they do for Value Added Tax or Corporate Income Tax.
Revenue from Corporate Income Tax has been following a downward trend since 2018 that reached a national average fall of 33.2% from 2019 to 2020. The decline in revenue was widespread throughout the whole country, and particularly remarkable in the two island regions, i.e. the Balearic Islands (Illes Balears) and the Canary Islands (Canarias). In this context, the only regions to see positive trends were Navarre (Navarra) and Extremadura, whose companies were showing signs of strength before the pandemic.
El Impuesto de Sociedades ya venía experimentado una reducción desde 2018, que se eleva al 33,2% entre 2019 y 2020 para el promedio nacional. En este contexto, destaca el comportamiento positivo de Navarra y Extremadura, cuyas empresas apuntaban ya indicios de solvencia antes de la pandemia. Las caídas en la recaudación son generalizadas en las demás comunidades, y más acusadas en los archipiélagos, otra vez, así como en la Comunidad de Madrid, Cataluña, Galicia y Asturias.
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[[Archivo:Espana_Recaudacion-del-impuesto-de-sociedades_2019-2020_mapa_18328_spa.jpg|right|thumb|300px|Mapa: Recaudación del impuesto de sociedades. 2019-2020. España. [//centrodedescargas.cnig.es/CentroDescargas/busquedaRedirigida.do?ruta=PUBLICACION_CNIG_DATOS_VARIOS/aneTematico/Espana_Recaudacion-del-impuesto-de-sociedades_2019-2020_mapa_18328_spa.pdf PDF]. [//centrodedescargas.cnig.es/CentroDescargas/busquedaRedirigida.do?ruta=PUBLICACION_CNIG_DATOS_VARIOS/aneTematico/Espana_Recaudacion-del-impuesto-de-sociedades_2019-2020_mapa_18328_spa.zip Datos].[//interactivo-atlasnacional.ign.es/index.php#c=indicator&i=r12819.r12819&i2=c12820.c12820&t=A02&t2=A02&view=map10  Versión interactiva].]]
[[File:Logo Monografía.jpg|right|thumb|300px|Map: Revenue from Corporate Income Tax (CIT). 2019-2020. Spain.]]
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[[Archivo:Espana_Evolucion-de-los-ingresos-tributarios-del-impuesto-de-sociedades_2010-2020_graficoestadistico_18337_spa.jpg|right|thumb|300px|Gráfico estadístico: Evolución de los ingresos tributarios del impuesto de sociedades. 2010-2020. España.]]
[[File:Logo Monografía.jpg|right|thumb|300px|Statistical graph: Evolution in revenue from Corporate Income Tax (CIT). 2010-2020. Spain.]]
</ul></div>Una valoración agregada de estos datos permite esbozar algunas líneas interpretativas generales. Primero, la excesiva especialización turística de los dos archipiélagos no sólo afecta al empleo, cuando se enfrentan a un impacto externo tan brusco como una pandemia, sino que se extiende a todo el circuito económico y social y limita seriamente la capacidad de reacción de los poderes públicos, al socavar sus recursos presupuestarios. Segundo, a ''sensu contrario'', economías regionales diversificadas como Región de Murcia, Comunidad Foral de Navarra o Cantabria, donde industria y sector agroalimentario retienen un peso importante en la estructura productiva, se muestran más resistentes a los impactos de la pandemia, acompañadas por Extremadura; es preciso, entonces, prestar más atención a los sectores productivos verdaderamente esenciales para el funcionamiento de la sociedad. Tercero, las dificultades observadas en regiones industriales (Cataluña, País Vasco) se derivan, probablemente, de su intensa inserción en las cadenas globales de valor, del mismo modo que la Comunidad de Madrid, con una economía muy  terciarizada, acusa el impacto de las restricciones a la movilidad y puede resultar perjudicada en sus cifras recaudatorias globales por el efecto sede, al concentrar resultados negativos de grandes corporaciones. La exposición intensa a los flujos globales de actividad económica entraña riesgos también para estas regiones líderes del mapa económico español. Por último, es preciso señalar que la caída de la recaudación corrió paralela a un fuerte crecimiento del gasto público durante el desarrollo de la pandemia, sobre todo en el plano social (sanidad, educación, mercado de trabajo), generándose así un fuerte endeudamiento de la Administración que se trata en el apartado siguiente.
</ul></div>An overall assessment of these figures allows sketching some general lines of interpretation. Firstly, the high degree of specialisation in tourism in the Balearic Islands (Illes Balears) and the Canary Islands (Canarias) extended throughout their entire economic and social structures, including employment. This factor seriously limited the capacity of the public administrations to act by undermining their budgetary resources. Secondly, and conversely, diversified regional economies, such as the Region of Murcia (Región de Murcia), Navarre (Navarra), Cantabria and Extremadura, where industry and the agri-food sector account for a sizeable part of the productive structure, proved more resilient to the impacts of the pandemic. Consequently, more attention shall be paid to the productive sectors that are truly essential for the smooth running of society. Thirdly, the difficulties observed in industrial regions, such as Catalonia (Catalunya/Cataluña) and the Basque Country (Euskadi/País Vasco), and those hinged on the tertiary economy, such as the Region of Madrid (Comunidad de Madrid), were probably derived from their intense insertion and, therefore, increased exposure to global economic flows. Furthermore, for the Region of Madrid (Comunidad de Madrid) and Catalonia (Catalunya/Cataluña) [more specifically Barcelona], being the headquarters of large corporations at a time when many were returning negative results entailed significant effects on tax revenue.
[[Archivo:Espana_Gasto-del-Estado_2019-2020_mapa_18387_spa.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Mapa: Gasto del Estado. 2019-2020. España. [//centrodedescargas.cnig.es/CentroDescargas/busquedaRedirigida.do?ruta=PUBLICACION_CNIG_DATOS_VARIOS/aneTematico/Espana_Gasto-del-Estado_2019-2020_mapa_18387_spa.pdf PDF]. [//centrodedescargas.cnig.es/CentroDescargas/busquedaRedirigida.do?ruta=PUBLICACION_CNIG_DATOS_VARIOS/aneTematico/Espana_Gasto-del-Estado_2019-2020_mapa_18387_spa.zip Datos].[//interactivo-atlasnacional.ign.es/index.php#c=indicator&i=s18387.s18387&i2=c12907.c12907&t=A02&t2=A02&view=map10E Versión interactiva].]]
[[Archivo:Espana_Gasto-de-las-comunidades-autonomas_2019-2020_mapa_18389_spa.jpg|right|thumb|300px|Mapa: Gasto de las comunidades autónomas. 2019-2020. España. [//centrodedescargas.cnig.es/CentroDescargas/busquedaRedirigida.do?ruta=PUBLICACION_CNIG_DATOS_VARIOS/aneTematico/Espana_Gasto-de-las-comunidades-autonomas_2019-2020_mapa_18389_spa.pdf PDF]. [//centrodedescargas.cnig.es/CentroDescargas/busquedaRedirigida.do?ruta=PUBLICACION_CNIG_DATOS_VARIOS/aneTematico/Espana_Gasto-de-las-comunidades-autonomas_2019-2020_mapa_18389_spa.zip Datos].[//interactivo-atlasnacional.ign.es/index.php#c=indicator&i=s18389.s18389&i2=c12928.c12928&t=A02&t2=A03&view=map10 Versión interactiva].]]
[[Archivo:Espana_Evolucion-del-gasto-del-Estado_2015-2020_graficoestadistico_18388_spa.jpg|left|thumb|none|300px|Gráfico estadístico: Evolución del gasto del Estado. 2015-2020. España.]]
[[Archivo:Espana_Gasto-autonomico-por-habitante_2020_mapa_18390_spa.jpg|right|thumb|none|300px|Mapa: Gasto autonómico por habitante. 2020. España. [//centrodedescargas.cnig.es/CentroDescargas/busquedaRedirigida.do?ruta=PUBLICACION_CNIG_DATOS_VARIOS/aneTematico/Espana_Gasto-autonomico-por-habitante_2020_mapa_18390_spa.pdf PDF]. [//centrodedescargas.cnig.es/CentroDescargas/busquedaRedirigida.do?ruta=PUBLICACION_CNIG_DATOS_VARIOS/aneTematico/Espana_Gasto-autonomico-por-habitante_2020_mapa_18390_spa.zip Datos].[//interactivo-atlasnacional.ign.es/index.php#c=indicator&i=c12928.c12928&t=A02&view=map10 Versión interactiva].]]
[[Archivo:Europa_Deficit-de-las-administraciones-publicas-en-los-paises-de-la-Union-Europea_2011-2020_mapa_18392_spa.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Mapa: Déficit de las administraciones públicas en los países de la Unión Europea. 2011-2020. Europa. [//centrodedescargas.cnig.es/CentroDescargas/busquedaRedirigida.do?ruta=PUBLICACION_CNIG_DATOS_VARIOS/aneTematico/Europa_Deficit-de-las-administraciones-publicas-en-los-paises-de-la-Union-Europea_2011-2020_mapa_18392_spa.pdf PDF]. [//centrodedescargas.cnig.es/CentroDescargas/busquedaRedirigida.do?ruta=PUBLICACION_CNIG_DATOS_VARIOS/aneTematico/Europa_Deficit-de-las-administraciones-publicas-en-los-paises-de-la-Union-Europea_2011-2020_mapa_18392_spa.zip Datos].]]
[[Archivo:Espana_Deuda-acumulada-de-las-comunidades-autonomas_2008-2020_mapa_18391_spa.jpg|right|thumb|none|300px|Mapa: Deuda acumulada de las comunidades autónomas. 2008-2020. España. [//centrodedescargas.cnig.es/CentroDescargas/busquedaRedirigida.do?ruta=PUBLICACION_CNIG_DATOS_VARIOS/aneTematico/Espana_Deuda-acumulada-de-las-comunidades-autonomas_2008-2020_mapa_18391_spa.pdf PDF]. [//centrodedescargas.cnig.es/CentroDescargas/busquedaRedirigida.do?ruta=PUBLICACION_CNIG_DATOS_VARIOS/aneTematico/Espana_Deuda-acumulada-de-las-comunidades-autonomas_2008-2020_mapa_18391_spa.zip Datos].[//interactivo-atlasnacional.ign.es/index.php#c=indicator&i=r_159_t.valor&s=2020&t=A02&view=map10 Versión interactiva].]]Las consecuencias sociales y económicas de la pandemia han puesto a prueba la capacidad de las administraciones públicas para dar respuesta a las exigencias que, en estas circunstancias excepcionales, ha planteado el tejido empresarial y el conjunto de la sociedad. La implementación de políticas públicas tratando de paliar los efectos de la pandemia ha conducido a un notable incremento del gasto en todos los niveles administrativos. Por un lado, la brusca caída experimentada por la actividad económica obligó a habilitar y extender mecanismos de apoyo directo como los Expedientes de Regulación Temporal de Empleo (ERTE), que ha precisado movilizar un importante volumen de recursos para amortiguar el impacto de la pandemia sobre el mercado de trabajo, pero también para preservar el tejido empresarial y permitir una recuperación más rápida de la actividad. Por otro, servicios públicos básicos, como la salud y la educación, han precisado de financiación adicional para atender a la población directamente afectada por la enfermedad, desarrollar un programa de vacunación masiva, o facilitar la adopción de modos de enseñanza no presencial o con ratios alumnos/profesor más reducidos.
{{ANETextoEpigrafe|epigrafe=Public expenditure}}
[[File:Logo Monografía.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Map: Public expediture of the National Administration. 2019-2020. Spain.]]
[[File:Logo Monografía.jpg|right|thumb|300px|Map: Public expediture of the Regional Administrations. 2019-2020. Spain.]]
[[File:Logo Monografía.jpg|left|thumb|none|300px|Statistical graph: Evolution in the public expediture of the National Administration. 2015-2020. Spain.]]
[[File:Logo Monografía.jpg|right|thumb|none|300px|Map: Public expediture of the Regional Administrations per capita. 2020. Spain.]]
[[File:Logo Monografía.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Map: Public deficit in the members states of the European Union. 2011-2020. Europe.]]
[[File:Logo Monografía.jpg|right|thumb|none|300px|Map: Cumulative public debt of the regional Administrations. 2008-2020. Spain.]]The pandemic tested the capacity of the Public Administrations (national, regional and local) to react to the effects of the crisis on the business fabric and on society in general, especially on a social level (health, education and labour market).
On the one hand, the sharp drop in economic activity forced implementing and extending direct support mechanisms, such as furloughs, which mobilised large amount of resources to cushion the impact of the pandemic on employment and on the business fabric and pave the way for a rapid recovery. On the other hand, basic public services, such as health and education, required additional funding to serve the population directly affected by the disease, roll out a mass vaccination programme, and ease non-face-to-face teaching modes and smaller student/teacher ratios.
Así, el gasto ejecutado por la Administración General del Estado y sus organismos y entidades dependientes se incrementó en 2020 un 5,3% respecto al año anterior, alcanzando unos elevados niveles de gasto que sin duda se están manteniendo en el presente 2021. Sin embargo, el escalón administrativo en el que de forma más nítida se advierte el incremento de gasto es el autonómico. Las comunidades autónomas son las responsables de la provisión de los servicios públicos asociados al estado del bienestar (servicios sociales, salud, educación), al tiempo que, en la medida en que esto ha sido posible en función de su dispar capacidad presupuestaria, también han desarrollado iniciativas, normalmente de pequeño alcance, para el apoyo directo, mediante subvenciones, a las empresas de aquellos sectores más afectados por las medidas restrictivas a la actividad, a menudo del sector turístico y la hostelería. Así el gasto ejecutado por las comunidades autónomas en 2020 experimentó un crecimiento muy notable, del 17,2% respecto al año anterior. Además, este incremento del gasto ha sido especialmente visible en muchas de las comunidades con un superior déficit de financiación general, como la Comunitat Valenciana, Murcia o Andalucía; en este resultado ha debido jugar un papel determinante el apoyo del gobierno central que, más allá del tradicional recurso a los préstamos del Fondo de Liquidez Autonómica, ha creado fondos específicos, como el Fondo COVID con un volumen de 16.000 millones en 2020, y unos criterios de reparto que junto al nivel de afección de la pandemia han dado mayor peso al volumen absoluto de población frente a otro tipo de consideraciones. Ha sido éste un cambio relevante en los criterios seguidos usualmente para la financiación autonómica de las comunidades de régimen general, que se ha producido en una coyuntura de crisis ciertamente excepcional; está por ver hasta qué punto puede tener continuidad en la reforma del sistema de financiación autonómica en curso.
As a result, the expenditure of the National Administration and its dependent agencies and bodies registered a year-on-year increase of 5.3% in 2020, reaching high levels of expenditure that were kept throughout 2021.
This increase in expenditure was most remarkable at regional level as regions are responsible for providing public services linked to the welfare state, i.e. social services, health and education. In addition, regional administrations implemented where possible smaller initiatives to directly support economic activity, including the granting of subsidies to companies in those sectors that were most affected by restrictions, such as tourism and food and beverage services. The expenditure incurred by the regions grew in 2020 by 17.2% with respect to the previous year. The increased expenditure was particularly significant in the regions with larger general financing deficit, such as the Region of Valencia (Comunitat Valenciana), the Region of Murcia (Región de Murcia) and Andalusia (Andalucía). The National Administration played a decisive role in enabling the regions to act by making credit available to them via the traditional Regional Liquidity Fund and also by creating specific funds, such as the COVID Fund, which mobilised 16 billion euro in 2020. This fund was primarily distributed according to the incidence of the pandemic and size of the population in each region, a marked departure from the criteria usually used to finance the regions within the general tax regime [NOTE: all regions in Spain are part of the general tax regime, except for the Basque Country(Euskadi/País Vasco) and Navarre (Navarra), which have a different tax collection regime].
El incremento del gasto ha ido paralelo a una importante reducción de la recaudación fiscal. El resultado inevitable ha sido un incremento del déficit público, financiado vía endeudamiento. De nuevo, es una situación excepcional, que ha sido posible sólo gracias al giro político dado por la Unión Europea, dejando en suspenso las normas del Pacto de Estabilidad y Crecimiento y permitiendo incurrir en un déficit ‘excesivo’ a los estados miembros y a la política expansiva seguida desde el Banco Central Europeo a través de sus programas de compra de deuda unido al mantenimiento de tipos de interés ultrabajos.
The increase in public expenditure went hand in hand with a significant reduction in tax revenues, resulting in a rise in the public deficit that was financed by issuing public debt. This was made possible by highly expansionary monetary policies from the European Central Bank, which kept negative interest rates and implemented aggressive programmes to purchase the public debt of its Member States. The decision of the European Union to suspend the rules of the Stability and Growth Pact allowed EU Member States to run ‘excessive’ public deficit avoiding any penalisations.
Así, el déficit público del conjunto de las administraciones públicas ha rozado en España el 12% en 2020, el más elevado entre los países europeos, superando ligeramente el registrado en lo más profundo de la gran recesión. Ninguna de las principales economías de la Unión Europea ha experimentado un incremento tan grande del déficit público: solo Francia e Italia muestran un mayor impacto con valores en torno al 9%, mientras que Alemania o Países Bajos consiguen limitar su déficit al 4% partiendo, además, de unas cuentas públicas más saneadas por el menor impacto que aquí tuvo la crisis financiera de 2008. Eso convierte a España en el país más necesitado de políticas de relajación monetaria y apoyo financiero, pero también el que más se puede ver afectado una vez que se vuelva, de forma más o menos paulatina, a las restricciones propias del Pacto de Estabilidad y Crecimiento; la forma en que se produzca este retorno a la disciplina presupuestaria será una cuestión política de primera magnitud en los próximos años.
The combined public deficit of all Spanish public administrations (national, regional and local) was close to 12% in 2020, i.e. the highest amongst EU states, and slightly over the public deficit recorded in the depths of the great recession of 2008-2013. No other major EU economy registered such an acute rise in public deficit. France and Italy were significantly impacted, registering deficits of around 9%, whilst Germany and the Netherlands managed to limit theirs to 4%. It shall be noted, however, that Central European states have healthier public accounts due to having been less affected by the 2008-2013 financial crisis. Spain obtained therefore significant relief from monetary easing policies and financial support. However, it could equally be severely affected by a return to the constraints of the Stability and Growth Pact, and what this return to budgetary discipline should look like will be a major political issue in the European Union in the coming years.
Dentro de España, este incremento de gasto ha supuesto un nuevo aumento de la deuda acumulada por las comunidades autónomas en relación a su PIB, magnitud que había experimentado una cierta estabilización o incluso un ligero decrecimiento después del máximo alcanzado entre 2015 y 2016 (ver mapa ''[[:Archivo:Espana_Deuda-acumulada-de-las-comunidades-autonomas_2008-2020_mapa_18391_spa.jpg|Deuda acumulada de las comunidades autónomas]]''). Igual que ocurre entre los diferentes países de la UE, también la situación de las distintas comunidades autónomas muestra fuertes asimetrías: desde comunidades como Madrid, el País Vasco y Navarra en las que la deuda no supera el 20% del PIB y el endeudamiento con el estado central es inexistente, hasta la Comunitat Valenciana, con una deuda que llega casi al 50% del PIB regional y cuatro quintas partes de la cual se han contraído con el Estado. Diferenciales de renta per cápita y base impositiva, junto con el funcionamiento del sistema de financiación autonómica, permitirían explicar este diferencial recurso al endeudamiento, que la pandemia no ha hecho sino agravar.
Within Spain, this rise in public deficit entailed a further increase in the cumulative debt of the regions in relation to their Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This ratio had been stabilising or even slightly decreasing after the peak from 2015 and 2016 (see the map on the  [[:File:Cumulative public debt of the Regional Administrations|''Cumulative public debt of the Regional Administrations'']]). Just as there are disparities between the different EU states, also the different Spanish regions show sharp contrasts. In some, such as the Region of Madrid (Comunidad de Madrid), the Basque Country (Euskadi/ País Vasco) and Navarre (Navarra), the debt did not exceed 20% of GDP in 2020 and indebtedness with the national administration was non-existent. Others, such as the Region of Valencia (Comunitat Valenciana), are in debt to the tune of nearly 50% of their regional GDP, and four-fifths of this debt is owed to the national Public Treasury. These historical disparities in regional debt levels, which were further sharpened by the pandemic, may largely be explained by regional differences in income per capita, tax bases and the complexity of the tax revenue distribution system between the different regions in Spain.
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Latest revision as of 10:35, 11 April 2022

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The COVID-19 pandemic in Spain. First wave: from the first cases to the end of June 2020

Monographs from the National Atlas of Spain. New content

Thematic structure > Social, economic and environmental effects > Public Finance

Map: Tax revenue for the Public Treasury. 2019-2020. Spain.
Statistical graph: Evolution in tax revenue for the Public Treasury. 2010-2020. Spain.

The COVID-19 pandemic spotlighted the need for public action to lessen the noxious effects of social and natural events that may seriously disrupt the smooth running of societies. Public action is financed by tax revenue. Scrutinising public resources requires assessing the two basic composing elements, i.e. public revenue and public expenditure.

The impact of the pandemic on revenue may be assessed by taking two aspects into account. First, the evolution of tax collection before and during the health crisis. Second, the uneven geographical patterns of said tax collection as a result of the different productive and business structure in the various Spanish regions and thus the dissimilar income levels of citizens.

The graphs show the evolution in the tax revenue for the Public Treasury from 2010 to 2020. This revenue is bred by the three main taxes that are available to the National Administration, i.e. Value Added Tax (VAT), Personal Income Tax (PIT) and Corporate Income Tax (CIT). A more modest contribution comes from special taxes levied on alcohol, tobacco and fuel consumption.

These graphs are displayed together with four maps showing the amount of taxes collected in each region in 2020 for each of the different taxes, as well as the variation in the amount of taxes collected from 2019 to 2020.

The first topic to be assessed is the overall tax revenue for the Public Treasury, considering the Personal Income Tax, the Value Added Tax, the Corporate Income Tax and the special taxes on alcohol, tobacco and fuel. The graph on the Evolution in tax revenue for the Public Treasury shows a steady increase in tax collection from 2010 to 2019 as a result of the gradual recovery in Spain from the double economic crisis back in 2008-2013. This increase in revenue speeded up from 2017 onwards when Spain finally broke free of the economic hangover left by the 2008-2013 recessions.

These graphs are displayed together with four maps showing the amount of taxes collected in each region in 2020 for each of the different taxes, as well as the variation in the amount of taxes collected from 2019 to 2020. The first topic to be assessed is the overall tax revenue for the Public Treasury, considering the Personal Income Tax, the Value Added Tax, the Corporate Income Tax and the special taxes on alcohol, tobacco and fuel. The graph on the Evolution in tax revenue for the Public Treasury shows a steady increase in tax collection from 2010 to 2019 as a result of the gradual recovery in Spain from the double economic crisis back in 2008-2013. This increase in revenue speeded up from 2017 onwards when Spain finally broke free of the economic hangover left by the 2008-2013 recessions.

In 2020, however, revenue took a remarkable hit due to the impact of the pandemic on Value Added Tax, which faithfully and immediately reveals the behaviour of the economic cycle. Personal Income Tax and Corporate Income Tax do not seem to be affected by COVID-19 according to the graphs included in this publication as the tax revenue from 2020 is levied on the income and profits from 2019, when the COVID-19 crisis had not yet began. Nor is there a heavy impact on special taxes, which depend on deeply rooted consumption habits, i.e. alcohol and tobacco. There is, however, a remarkable drop in revenue from fuel consumption due to lockdown and mobility restrictions in spring 2020.

  • Map: Revenue from Value Added Tax (VAT). 2019-2020. Spain.
    Map: Revenue from Personal Income Tax (IRPF). 2019-2020. Spain.
  • Statistical graph: Evolution in revenue from Value Added Tax (VAT). 2010-2020. Spain.
    Statistical graph: Evolution in revenue from Personal Income Tax (IRPF). 2010-2020. Spain.

In terms of geographical patterns, the map on the Tax revenue for the Public Treasury shows an aggregate distribution of revenue that is consistent in general with the distribution of the population and the economic activity in Spain. The Region of Madrid (Comunidad de Madrid) and Catalonia (Catalunya/Cataluña) are well ahead the other regions thanks partly to being home to the headquarters of manifold large companies. A second tier includes Andalusia (Andalucía), the Region of Valencia (Comunitat Valenciana) and Galicia. The most interesting aspect of this map, however, is the dynamics it reveals. From 2019 to 2020, the regions with a solid agri-food base, such as Navarre (Navarra), Cantabria, Extremadura and Murcia, were able to increase figures on the total revenue despite the general downward trend seen elsewhere. By contrast, tourist regions like the Balearic Islands (Illes Balears) and the Canary Islands (Canarias) registered a very severe negative impact on tax collection. This regression may also be observed in other regions with a significant industrial base, such as the Basque Country (Euskadi/País Vasco) and Catalonia (Catalunya/Cataluña), which were affected by the distortion in global value chains that arose in China and later spread to the rest of Asia, the Americas and Europe.

The other maps break down these aggregate figures into each of the three main tax revenues. There is a general upward trend in revenue from Value Added Tax after 2010, which becomes more evident after 2016 and then takes a significant downturn in 2020. The regional distribution of the total revenue collected clearly shows the ‘headquarters effect’ in the Region of Madrid (Comunidad de Madrid) and Catalonia (Catalunya/Cataluña) [especially Barcelona], whose many large corporations bred negative revenue variations and, therefore, paid less tax, as well as the Basque Country (Euskadi/País Vasco). Once again, the regions of Murcia, Navarre (Navarra) and Cantabria followed positive trends, highlighting their crucial economic role as suppliers of essential agri-food goods in times of crisis. Together with the Basque Country (Euskadi/País Vasco), these three regions are the only ones to show increased revenues in a regressive national context that registered an average drop of 11.5%. At the opposite end of the scale are the two island regions, i.e. the Balearic Islands (Illes Balears) and the Canary Islands (Canarias), with falls of over 20% due to tourism vanishing from sight during strict lockdown and the subsequent travel restrictions.

As data on Personal Income Tax from 2020 show earnings from 2019, they do not reveal the impact of the pandemic on economy and public revenue. Moreover, figures show an overall year-on-year growth of 1.2%, with Cantabria registering an increase over 6%, and only Asturias, Catalonia (Catalunya/Cataluña), the Basque Country (Euskadi/País Vasco), the Balearic Islands (Illes Balears) and the Canary Islands (Canarias) showing a negative evolution. Given that the bulk of this tax is levied on income from work and professional activities, the amount collected in each region depends on both its total population and the income level of citizens. Therefore, the Region of Madrid (Comunidad de Madrid) and Catalonia (Catalunya/Cataluña) stand out for breeding more revenue from Personal Income Tax than the rest of regions. The significance of population in the revenue bred by this tax explains why inter-regional differences are less acute than in the other taxes, which are more affected by the evolution of activity and company profits than by the amount of contributors. Hence, the Balearic Islands (Illes Balears), the Canary Islands (Canarias), the Basque Country (Euskadi/País Vasco), Cantabria and Galicia account for a larger share of the national Personal Income Tax revenue than they do for Value Added Tax or Corporate Income Tax.

Revenue from Corporate Income Tax has been following a downward trend since 2018 that reached a national average fall of 33.2% from 2019 to 2020. The decline in revenue was widespread throughout the whole country, and particularly remarkable in the two island regions, i.e. the Balearic Islands (Illes Balears) and the Canary Islands (Canarias). In this context, the only regions to see positive trends were Navarre (Navarra) and Extremadura, whose companies were showing signs of strength before the pandemic.

  • Map: Revenue from Corporate Income Tax (CIT). 2019-2020. Spain.
  • Statistical graph: Evolution in revenue from Corporate Income Tax (CIT). 2010-2020. Spain.

An overall assessment of these figures allows sketching some general lines of interpretation. Firstly, the high degree of specialisation in tourism in the Balearic Islands (Illes Balears) and the Canary Islands (Canarias) extended throughout their entire economic and social structures, including employment. This factor seriously limited the capacity of the public administrations to act by undermining their budgetary resources. Secondly, and conversely, diversified regional economies, such as the Region of Murcia (Región de Murcia), Navarre (Navarra), Cantabria and Extremadura, where industry and the agri-food sector account for a sizeable part of the productive structure, proved more resilient to the impacts of the pandemic. Consequently, more attention shall be paid to the productive sectors that are truly essential for the smooth running of society. Thirdly, the difficulties observed in industrial regions, such as Catalonia (Catalunya/Cataluña) and the Basque Country (Euskadi/País Vasco), and those hinged on the tertiary economy, such as the Region of Madrid (Comunidad de Madrid), were probably derived from their intense insertion and, therefore, increased exposure to global economic flows. Furthermore, for the Region of Madrid (Comunidad de Madrid) and Catalonia (Catalunya/Cataluña) [more specifically Barcelona], being the headquarters of large corporations at a time when many were returning negative results entailed significant effects on tax revenue.

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Public expenditure

Map: Public expediture of the National Administration. 2019-2020. Spain.
Map: Public expediture of the Regional Administrations. 2019-2020. Spain.
Statistical graph: Evolution in the public expediture of the National Administration. 2015-2020. Spain.
Map: Public expediture of the Regional Administrations per capita. 2020. Spain.
Map: Public deficit in the members states of the European Union. 2011-2020. Europe.
Map: Cumulative public debt of the regional Administrations. 2008-2020. Spain.

The pandemic tested the capacity of the Public Administrations (national, regional and local) to react to the effects of the crisis on the business fabric and on society in general, especially on a social level (health, education and labour market).

On the one hand, the sharp drop in economic activity forced implementing and extending direct support mechanisms, such as furloughs, which mobilised large amount of resources to cushion the impact of the pandemic on employment and on the business fabric and pave the way for a rapid recovery. On the other hand, basic public services, such as health and education, required additional funding to serve the population directly affected by the disease, roll out a mass vaccination programme, and ease non-face-to-face teaching modes and smaller student/teacher ratios.

As a result, the expenditure of the National Administration and its dependent agencies and bodies registered a year-on-year increase of 5.3% in 2020, reaching high levels of expenditure that were kept throughout 2021. This increase in expenditure was most remarkable at regional level as regions are responsible for providing public services linked to the welfare state, i.e. social services, health and education. In addition, regional administrations implemented where possible smaller initiatives to directly support economic activity, including the granting of subsidies to companies in those sectors that were most affected by restrictions, such as tourism and food and beverage services. The expenditure incurred by the regions grew in 2020 by 17.2% with respect to the previous year. The increased expenditure was particularly significant in the regions with larger general financing deficit, such as the Region of Valencia (Comunitat Valenciana), the Region of Murcia (Región de Murcia) and Andalusia (Andalucía). The National Administration played a decisive role in enabling the regions to act by making credit available to them via the traditional Regional Liquidity Fund and also by creating specific funds, such as the COVID Fund, which mobilised 16 billion euro in 2020. This fund was primarily distributed according to the incidence of the pandemic and size of the population in each region, a marked departure from the criteria usually used to finance the regions within the general tax regime [NOTE: all regions in Spain are part of the general tax regime, except for the Basque Country(Euskadi/País Vasco) and Navarre (Navarra), which have a different tax collection regime].

The increase in public expenditure went hand in hand with a significant reduction in tax revenues, resulting in a rise in the public deficit that was financed by issuing public debt. This was made possible by highly expansionary monetary policies from the European Central Bank, which kept negative interest rates and implemented aggressive programmes to purchase the public debt of its Member States. The decision of the European Union to suspend the rules of the Stability and Growth Pact allowed EU Member States to run ‘excessive’ public deficit avoiding any penalisations.

The combined public deficit of all Spanish public administrations (national, regional and local) was close to 12% in 2020, i.e. the highest amongst EU states, and slightly over the public deficit recorded in the depths of the great recession of 2008-2013. No other major EU economy registered such an acute rise in public deficit. France and Italy were significantly impacted, registering deficits of around 9%, whilst Germany and the Netherlands managed to limit theirs to 4%. It shall be noted, however, that Central European states have healthier public accounts due to having been less affected by the 2008-2013 financial crisis. Spain obtained therefore significant relief from monetary easing policies and financial support. However, it could equally be severely affected by a return to the constraints of the Stability and Growth Pact, and what this return to budgetary discipline should look like will be a major political issue in the European Union in the coming years.

Within Spain, this rise in public deficit entailed a further increase in the cumulative debt of the regions in relation to their Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This ratio had been stabilising or even slightly decreasing after the peak from 2015 and 2016 (see the map on the Cumulative public debt of the Regional Administrations). Just as there are disparities between the different EU states, also the different Spanish regions show sharp contrasts. In some, such as the Region of Madrid (Comunidad de Madrid), the Basque Country (Euskadi/ País Vasco) and Navarre (Navarra), the debt did not exceed 20% of GDP in 2020 and indebtedness with the national administration was non-existent. Others, such as the Region of Valencia (Comunitat Valenciana), are in debt to the tune of nearly 50% of their regional GDP, and four-fifths of this debt is owed to the national Public Treasury. These historical disparities in regional debt levels, which were further sharpened by the pandemic, may largely be explained by regional differences in income per capita, tax bases and the complexity of the tax revenue distribution system between the different regions in Spain.


Co-authorship of the text in Spanish: Juan Miguel Albertos Puebla and José Luis Sánchez Hernández. See the list of members engaged

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You can download the complete publication The COVID-19 pandemic in Spain. First wave: from the first cases to the end of June 2020 in Libros Digitales del ANE site.

Categoy:Territorial structures
