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Resource used for the creation of the National Atlas of Spain.{{Information|description#set:Has resource ID=18667}} {{#set:Has time series ID=18667}} {{en|#set:Has alternate title 1=Spain. Vote on the Organic Law of the abdication of King Juan Carlos I. 2014. Statistical graphsgraph}}|date {{#set:Belongs to part=History}} {{#set:Belongs to chapter=Historical overview}} {{#set:Belongs to topic=Contemporary Age}} {{#set:Has keyword=2024-04-30 12abdication}} {{#set:12Belongs to work=CANE_2018}} {{#set:59|sourceHas temporal extent=2014}} {{own#set:When its temporal extent begins=2014}}|author {{#set:When its temporal extent ends=[[User2014}} {{#set:Usr25|National Geographic Institute of Spain]]|permissionWhen was last modified=|other versions2024-09-25}} {{#set:Has raw data published=0}}