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Talk:Origin and global diffusion of the pandemic

21 bytes removed, 11:55, 4 April 2022
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{{ANETextoAsociado48|titulo=LOCKDOWN|contenido=Extraordinary and emergency measure involving the temporary isolation of an individual, group or entire population for health or safety reasons. It involves restricting movements of the population in the affected area and closing leisure, tourism and cultural facilities. It may be a full restriction in very extreme cases, yet mostly it is mostly not so strict and travelling is allowed to varying degrees for buying food and pharmaceutical products, for work, to provide care and in case of emergency.}}
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{{ANETextoAsociado48|titulo=PCR AND ANTIGEN TESTS|contenido=The acronym PCR stands for polymerase chain reaction. It is a type of test used to detect infections. It consists of extracting genetic material from a sample and comparing it with the genes found in viruses (for example, in SARS-CoV-2). The test involves inserting a swab (cotton bud) into the nose or mouth of the person suspected of being infected to collect a sample. If the PCR technique does not detect the virus’s virus's genetic material, it is likely the person is not infected. The antigen test entails introducing a toxic molecule to the sample that generates an antibody reaction, making it possible to infer enabling inferring whether the subject is currently infected by the virus.}}
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