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From National Atlas of Spain
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{{ANEObra|Serie=Compendium of the National Atlas of Spain|Logo=[[File:Logo_Compendio.jpg|left|60x60px|link=]]|Título=Spain on maps|Subtítulo=A geographic synopsis|Año=2022|Contenido=New content}}
|Serie=Compendium of the National Atlas of Spain
|Título=Spain on maps
|Subtítulo=A geographic synopsis
|Contenido=New content
|numero seccion=III
|nombre seccion=History
*[[Historical overview|Historical overview]]
*'''[[Historical overview|Historical overview]]'''
**[[Ancient Age|Ancient Age]]
**[[Ancient Age|Ancient Age]]
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**[[Modern Age|Modern Age]]
**[[Modern Age|Modern Age]]
**[[Contemporary Age|EContemporary Age]]
**[[Contemporary Age|EContemporary Age]]
{{ANENavegacionHermanos |anterior=[[Physical geography]] |siguiente=[[Population, human settlements and society]] }}
{{ANENavegacionSeccionAnterior|color=#368234|numero seccion=II|nombre seccion=Physical geography}}
{{ANENavegacionSeccionSiguiente|color=#008b8d|numero seccion=IV|nombre seccion=Population, human settlements and society}}
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
{{ANEDescargaPDFTema | url=https://www.ign.es/web/resources/docs/IGNCnig/ANE/Capitulos/06_Referencias_historicas_2020_20230601.pdf}}

Revision as of 10:02, 13 November 2024

Logo Compendio.jpg

Spain on maps. A geographic synopsis

Compendium of the National Atlas of Spain. New content


[XXX Download full theme in PDF]


You can download the complete publication Spain on maps. A geographic synopsis in Libros Digitales del ANE site.