Talk:Estimated excess mortality

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The COVID-19 pandemic in Spain. First wave: from the first cases to the end of June 2020

Monographs from the National Atlas of Spain. New content

Thematic structure > The COVID-19 pandemic in Spain > Overview > Estimated excess mortality

  • Statistical graph: Weekly evolution of the change in the cumulative number of deaths during the first wave of the pandemic. 2019-2020. Spain.PDF. Datos.
  • Statistical graph: Change in the cumulative number of deaths during the first wave of the pandemic by age and sex. 2019-2020. Spain.PDF. Datos.

The National Statistics Institute provides an estimate of the number of deaths that have occurred every week during the different outbreaks of COVID-19 in Spain in the years 2020 and 2021. The information is organised by regions and by provinces as well as by age group and sex. It includes data for the specific week and those accumulated so far every year.

The graph on weekly evolution shows the estimated excess mortality for each of the weeks between January and June 2020. The National Statistics Institute thus calculates the absolute difference for each week between the accumulated deaths so far in the year 2020 with respect to the accumulated data for the previous year, 2019. The values were negative during the first eleven weeks of the year, which denotes a more favourable death rate. However, there was a sharp increase in mid-March, peaking in the second half of March and throughout April, and then gradually declining until the end of June. Cumulative excess deaths reached 42,623 at the end of the six-month period.

The map Change in the number of deaths shows the final balance of the first twenty-six weeks of 2020 in each of the Spanish provinces, both in absolute figures and in percentages.

The impact of excess mortality on the major age groups is shown in the second graph, in which the older age group stands out. The maps for each of the three age groups show the sharp contrast between the behaviour of the group aged 80 and over and the group under 60 years of age.

  • Map: Deaths. Average March 2017-2019. 2017-2019. Spain.PDF. Datos.
  • Map: Deaths. Average March 2020. 2020. Spain.PDF. Datos.
  • Map: Deaths. Average April 2017-2019. 2017-2019. Spain.PDF. Datos.
  • Map: Deaths. April 2020. 2020. Spain.PDF. Datos.

You can download the complete publication The COVID-19 pandemic in Spain. First wave: from the first cases to the end of June 2020 in Libros Digitales del ANE site.

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Categoría:Servicios y equipamientos sociales