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Talk:Middle Ages

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|Subtítulo=A geographic synopsis
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[[File:Spain_Configuration-of-the-Christian-kingdoms.-Almoravid-Empire-(1086--1144)_1086-1147_map_13996_eng.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Map: Configuration of the Christian kingdoms. Almoravid Empire (1086-1144). 1086-1147. Spain. [// PDF]. [// Data].]]
[[File:Spain_Confirmation-of-the-Christian-kingdoms.-Almohad-Empire-(1147--1232---48)_1147-1232_map_13997_eng.jpg|right|thumb|300px|Map: Confirmation of the Christian kingdoms. Almohad Empire (1147-1232 / 48). 1147-1232. Spain. [// PDF]. [// Data]. [REPLACE_WITH_GEOCLIP_URL_OR_DELETE_LINK Interactive].]][[File:Spain_Consolidation-of-the-Christian-kingdoms-and-their-expansion_1150-1492_map_15094_eng.jpg|right|thumb|300px|Map: Consolidation of the Christian kingdoms and their expansion. 1150-1492. Spain. [// PDF]. [// Data]. [REPLACE_WITH_GEOCLIP_URL_OR_DELETE_LINK Interactive].]]
The trail of a Hispanic Islam, once the caliphate had disappeared, and although generating a rich and flourishing cultural and economic period, was impossible because of the irrepressible pressure of the Christian kingdoms. The taifa kings successively called on the help of two warlike fundamentalist movements that emerged in North Africa: the Almoravids (11<sup>th</sup>-12<sup>th</sup> centuries) and the Almohads (12<sup>th</sup>-13<sup>th</sup> centuries). Nevertheless, for almost three centuries, the two North African empires were a suprastructure, more military and less political, with which the Spanish-Muslim aristocracies coexisted. Great victories of the Almoravids (Sagrajas and Uclés) and Almohads (Alarcos) did not reverse the situation in the Peninsula.<br>

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