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|palabrasclave= Catholic kings, Crown of Castile, Crown of Aragon, Treaty of Tordesillas, Treaty of Saragossa, discovery of America, Columbus, explorations of America, first voyage around the world, Magellan, Juan Sebastián Elcano, Habsburgs, Charles I, Communards, Philip II Germanies, incorporation of Portugal, uprising of the Alpujarras, 16th century uprising of Aragon, Erasmism, Lutheranism, Enlightenment, mesta, military orders, mining in the modern age, trade in the modern age, administration of royal justice, chancilleries, audiencias, Philip III, expulsion of the Moors, agriculture in the modern age, manufacturing in the modern age, plague epidemics, Philip IV, independence of Portugal, rebellion of Catalonia, War of the Reapers, Charles II, War of the Spanish Succession, Cortes of Castile, Cortes of Aragon, Bourbon Enlightenment, Bourbons, Philip V, royal factories, royal sites, new town planning, riot of Esquilache, expulsion of the Jesuits, Charles III, roads, canals and ports in the 18th century, viceroyalty, audiences, intendancies, Bourbon administrative organisation, captaincies general, maritime departments, provincial intendancies, economic societies of friends of the country, Charles IV, 18th-century cultural institutions, creation of universities, royal academies, ecclesiastical organisation in the 18th century|descripcion=The Modern Age began in the Peninsula during the joint reign of Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon (1469-1504/1516) and ended with the War of Independence (1808-1814).
|Subtítulo=A geographic synopsis
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