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|palabrasclave=sección III, pandemia, covid-19, covid19
|palabrasclave=part III, pandemic, covid-19, covid19
|descripcion=Efectos sociales, económicos y ambientales
|descripcion=Social, economic and environmental effects
}}{{ANEObra|Serie=Monografías del Atlas Nacional de España|Logo=[[File:Logo_Monografía.jpg|left|50x50px|link=]]|Título=La pandemia COVID-19 en España|Subtítulo=Primera ola: de los primeros casos a finales de junio de 2020|Año=2021|Contenido=Nuevo contenido}}
}}{{ANEEtiqueta|palabrasclave=pandemic, covid-19, covid19|descripcion= Analysis of the global context of the COVID-19 pandemic|url=}}{{ANEObra|Serie=Monographs from the National Atlas of Spain|Logo=[[File:Logo Monografía.jpg|left|50x50px|link=]]|Título=The COVID-19 pandemic in Spain|Subtítulo=First wave: from the first cases to the end of June 2020|Año=2021|Contenido=New content}}
*[[Internal territorial governance|Internal territorial governance]]
*[[Internal territorial governance|Internal territorial governance]]
**[[Transporte por carretera (monografía COVID-19)|Transporte por carretera]]
**[[Road transport]]
**[[Transporte por ferrocarril (monografía COVID-19)|Transporte por ferrocarril]]
**[[Rail transport]]
**[[Transporte urbano (monografía COVID-19)|Transporte urbano]]
**[[Urban transport (COVID-19 monograph)|Urban transport]]
**[[Transporte aéreo (monografía COVID-19)|Transporte aéreo]]
**[[Sea transport]]
**[[Transporte marítimo (monografía COVID-19)|Transporte marítimo]]
**[[Air transport]]
**[[Movilidad detectada a través de la telefonía|Movilidad detectada a través de la telefonía]]
**[[Mobility detected by mobile phones]]
*[[Magnitudes macroeconómicas y sectores productivos]]
*[[Economic indicators and productive sectors]]
**[[Magnitudes macroeconómicas (monografía COVID-19)|Magnitudes macroeconómicas]]
**[[Economic indicators (COVID-19 monograph)|Economic indicators]]
**[[Agricultura y pesca|Agricultura y pesca]]
**[[Agricultural sector]]
**[[Minería, energía, industria y construcción (monografía COVID-19)|Minería, energía, industria y construcción]]
**[[Mining, quarrying, energy, industry and construction (COVID-19 monograph)|Mining, quarrying, energy, industry and construction]]
**[[Servicios no turísticos|Servicios no turísticos]]
**[[Sales, services and trade]]
**[[Turismo (monografía COVID-19)|Turismo]]
**[[Tourism (COVID-19 monograph)|Tourism]]
*[[Trabajo (monografía COVID-19)|Trabajo]]
*[[Labour market (COVID-19 monograph)|Labour market]]
*[[Public Finance]]
*[[Public finance (COVID-19 monograph)|Public finance]]
*[[Educación (monografía COVID-19)|Educación]]
*[[Education (COVID-19 monograph)|Education]]
*[[Solidarity initiatives]]
*[[Solidarity initiatives]]
*[[Repercusiones ambientales|Repercusiones ambientales]]
*[[Environmental impact]]
Los efectos de una pandemia como la sufrida por razón de la COVID-19 son difíciles de precisar, tanto a nivel planetario o global, como en cada uno de los países. Entre las repercusiones las hay tangibles e intangibles, a corto o largo plazo, personales o comunitarias, locales o nacionales e internacionales.
The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are difficult to specify, both on a global level and in terms of each country or state. Such effects may be either tangible or intangible; short-term or long-term; personal or communal; local, regional, national, European or international.
Sería un propósito inalcanzable medir con precisión, a todos los niveles y en los diferentes campos, el impacto producido por un fenómeno tan inesperado como severo. Tómese, por tanto, el contenido de esta sección como una propuesta que constata la incidencia de la pandemia COVID-19 en España en algunos aspectos que, al margen de los sanitarios, se han considerado más significativos.
It would be impossible to measure precisely, at every level and in every field of activity, the impact caused by such a serious and unexpected phenomenon. The content of this part of the publication, which is based on maps, graphs and an explanatory text, must therefore be seen as an approximate description that analyses the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain as objectively as possible in certain fields that have been considered significant alongside the healthcare scope, and for which up-to-date quantitative data are available.
Se han buscado aquellas facetas que cuentan con información cuantitativa y actualizada que nos permitan acercarnos a una representación lo más objetiva posible de lo acontecido. Los recursos gráficos y cartográficos, bien sostenidos por un soporte largamente pensado, no agotan las posibilidades de conformar una imagen acabada que hiciera posible percibir la totalidad de los efectos producidos. Son, tan solo, una manifestación de cariz epidérmico que esconde un fondo que quizás nunca se podrá desvelar.
The narrative thread of the content follows a hypothetical path from the initial responses to the pandemic provided by the territorial authorities through to the effects bred on the environment. During the examination of the virus’s progression, the profound change in the mobility of people and goods is observed; the impact on macro-economic figures and sectors of production is examined; the transformations in labour and the structure of the labour market is assessed; the influence on the collection of revenue by the tax authorities is analysed; the major obstacles faced by the educational system as a result of lockdown are reported; and, finally, the institutional and social mobilisation that took place thanks to numerous solidarity campaigns is presented.
El hilo argumental que sostiene la exposición de contenidos recorre un hipotético camino desde la respuesta a la pandemia que ha dado la gobernanza territorial hasta la incidencia producida en el entorno medioambiental. En medio se considera el brusco cambio operado en la movilidad de personas y mercancías, el impacto producido en las magnitudes macroeconómicas y sectores productivos, las transformaciones en el funcionamiento y estructura del mercado de trabajo, la influencia en la recaudación por parte de la hacienda pública, el embate sufrido por el sistema educativo por razón del confinamiento domiciliario y, por último, la movilización institucional y social que desencadenó un auténtico alud de acciones solidarias.
When focusing exclusively on the chapters referred to above, the risk however of misinterpreting the true force of what happened may be run. The plain fact is that a virus, despite its own microscopic physical dimensions, succeeded in halting the entire activity of the planet. Italo Calvino may well have been right when he declared that levity –in other words, what weighs little and is of diminutive stature– was destined to become one of the dominant features of the third millennium. This publication would seem to corroborate the writer’s declaration (even if the original comment was made in reference to literary creativity), leading us as it does to observe that something so minuscule has caused such unimaginable damage.
Puede que, de fijarnos tan solo en los temas citados, se nos escape la verdadera entidad del hecho vivido. Un virus, ente extremadamente insignificante por su tamaño, ha sido capaz de paralizar el mundo. Seguramente acertó Italo Calvino cuando, antes de morir en 1985, vaticinó que la levedad –lo que pesa poco y es diminuto– iba a ser uno de los valores imperantes en el tercer milenio; en el tema tratado en esta monografía, parece corroborarse aquella afirmación, hecha por el autor citado en relación a creatividad literaria, pues se ha constatado que algo tan diminuto ha provocado impactos de impensable calado.
The enormous ordeal that we have all experienced arose from something extremely tiny and unleashed difficulties of completely unexpected dimensions: illness, death and social and economic crises. It may also yet result in a wholly desirable change of model with regard to our relationship with the environment, making it more equitable and sustainable. Be that as it may, humanity has shown, once again, its ability to react by obtaining the appropriate medical solutions that have enabled combating the pandemic within a very short period of time and returning with renewed energy to the task of social and economic recovery.
El enorme problema vivido arrancó de algo extremadamente pequeño, desatando efectos inesperados por su envergadura: enfermedad, muerte, crisis social y económica. Puede que también vaya a incidir en un deseable cambio de paradigma de nuestra relación con el entorno, haciéndola más justa y sostenible. En todo caso, la comunidad humana ha demostrado, una vez más, su capacidad de reacción al procurar los auxilios sanitarios pertinentes para vencer a la pandemia en un tiempo muy corto y retomar con renovada energía el camino de la recuperación social y económica.
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{{ANEPaginaDescargas (monografía COVID-19)}}
{{ANEPaginaDescargas (monografía COVID-19)}}

Latest revision as of 09:16, 29 April 2022

Logo Monografía.jpg

The COVID-19 pandemic in Spain. First wave: from the first cases to the end of June 2020

Monographs from the National Atlas of Spain. New content

Thematic structure


The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are difficult to specify, both on a global level and in terms of each country or state. Such effects may be either tangible or intangible; short-term or long-term; personal or communal; local, regional, national, European or international.

It would be impossible to measure precisely, at every level and in every field of activity, the impact caused by such a serious and unexpected phenomenon. The content of this part of the publication, which is based on maps, graphs and an explanatory text, must therefore be seen as an approximate description that analyses the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain as objectively as possible in certain fields that have been considered significant alongside the healthcare scope, and for which up-to-date quantitative data are available.

The narrative thread of the content follows a hypothetical path from the initial responses to the pandemic provided by the territorial authorities through to the effects bred on the environment. During the examination of the virus’s progression, the profound change in the mobility of people and goods is observed; the impact on macro-economic figures and sectors of production is examined; the transformations in labour and the structure of the labour market is assessed; the influence on the collection of revenue by the tax authorities is analysed; the major obstacles faced by the educational system as a result of lockdown are reported; and, finally, the institutional and social mobilisation that took place thanks to numerous solidarity campaigns is presented.

When focusing exclusively on the chapters referred to above, the risk however of misinterpreting the true force of what happened may be run. The plain fact is that a virus, despite its own microscopic physical dimensions, succeeded in halting the entire activity of the planet. Italo Calvino may well have been right when he declared that levity –in other words, what weighs little and is of diminutive stature– was destined to become one of the dominant features of the third millennium. This publication would seem to corroborate the writer’s declaration (even if the original comment was made in reference to literary creativity), leading us as it does to observe that something so minuscule has caused such unimaginable damage.

The enormous ordeal that we have all experienced arose from something extremely tiny and unleashed difficulties of completely unexpected dimensions: illness, death and social and economic crises. It may also yet result in a wholly desirable change of model with regard to our relationship with the environment, making it more equitable and sustainable. Be that as it may, humanity has shown, once again, its ability to react by obtaining the appropriate medical solutions that have enabled combating the pandemic within a very short period of time and returning with renewed energy to the task of social and economic recovery.


Co-authorship of the text in Spanish: José Sancho Comíns. See the list of members engaged

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You can download the complete publication The COVID-19 pandemic in Spain. First wave: from the first cases to the end of June 2020 in Libros Digitales del ANE site.
