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|palabrasclave= Visigothic kingdom, Leovigild, Germanic invasions, Suevi, Vandals, Alans, Visigoths, Muslim invasion, Islamic occupation, Islamic Spain, Emirate of Cordoba, Caliphate of Cordoba, Taifa kingdoms, Christian Spain, Kingdom of Castile, Kingdom of Leon, Kingdom of Aragon, Kingdom of Navarre, Catalan counties, Kingdom of Granada, Almoravid Empire, Almohad Empire, Reconquest, repopulation during the Reconquest|descripcion= Cartographic presentation The Middle Ages in the Peninsula is a historical period from the battle of Guadalete (711) to the mythical 1492: conquest of prehistoryGranada, including, among others, sites on the Iberian Peninsuladiscovery of America.
[[File:Spain_Repopulations--from-appropiaton-to-charters-and-royal-concessions_0711-1250_map_13998_eng.jpg|right|thumb|300px|Map: Repopulations: from appropiaton to charters and royal concessions. 0711-1250. Spain. [//centrodedescargas.cnig.es/CentroDescargas/busquedaRedirigida.do?ruta=PUBLICACION_CNIG_DATOS_VARIOS/aneTematico/Spain_Repopulations--from-appropiaton-to-charters-and-royal-concessions_0711-1250_map_13998_eng.pdf PDF]. [//centrodedescargas.cnig.es/CentroDescargas/busquedaRedirigida.do?ruta=PUBLICACION_CNIG_DATOS_VARIOS/aneTematico/Spain_Repopulations--from-appropiaton-to-charters-and-royal-concessions_0711-1250_map_13998_eng.zip Data].]]
<font style="color:#f29050">'''8<sup>th</sup> – 9<sup>th</sup> centuries'''</font>
With the advances to the South, it was necessary to populate the new territory. At first, some peasants, the ''foramontanos'', came down from the North and occupied these empty lands and some monks (Mozarabs) also went up fleeing from the Muslims and built monasterys. It was the Asturian-Leonese ''presura'' and the sub-Pyrenean ''aprisio'' system.
<font style="color:#f29050"> '''10<sup>th</sup> – 11<sup>th</sup> centuries '''</font>
To legalise the occupations and encourage repopulation, the Monarchs promoted councils, through the granting of ''cartas pueblas'', or municipal charter with privileges for those who populated an area.
<font style="color:#f29050"> '''12<sup>th</sup> – 13<sup>th</sup> centuries'''</font>
The North African invasions were answered by [https://historiageneral.com/wp-content/uploads/ordenes_militares_historia.png military orders], which obtained extensive territories in reward.
<font style="color:#f29050"> '''13<sup>th</sup> – 15<sup>th</sup> centuries'''</font>
The conquered cities suffered repartitions, handing over of houses and orchards as spoils to the participants in the campaign, and in turn the nobility received huge estates.